Planning on a Mission...


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Hey Everyone!

So I am planning on going on a mission! I am really excited about it and have been praying and feel like it is what Heavenly Father wants me to do… which I guess answers my question since if Heavenly Father wants me to do it everything will work out.

But I am still a little concerned. I have had a history of depression and I attempted suicide two years ago. I still see a therapist, more since as a result of the attempt a lot of family issues were brought up and so my family now goes to family therapy. My therapist helps me work through all of that, but I have made leaps and bounds from where I was two years ago. I no longer have to take medication and wouldn't say I am depressed anymore.

There are questions about these sorta things in the paperwork so thats why it is on my mind. My concern is that the hospitalization after the attempt and continuing with the therapist today would somehow impact my mission call. Will it?

The concern is still there, but I suppose I need to remember Heavenly Father will guide me to where I need to go and what I need to do.

I guess I just need some reassurance. Thank you all for your time!

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Hey Katie,

I don't know, but I will give you my best guesses.

First, I am in therapy too! And I was also suicidal a couple years ago. Bad times, I hope I never get in that state again.

So, my first thought is I'm sure you have talked to your therapist and you both feel you are ready, right? Surely, you have (as have I) learned some skills to help you with the depression, right? I mean every person is different and therapists are different too, so I don't want to assume too much. But what I would do if I were you, is make an "emergency card" with some reminders of things that help me when I get down. For me that's journalling, art therapy, music, meditation.

Next, I would guess that they might decide to keep you in the states, just in case. But if the Spirit directs otherwise they they will follow that.

A mission is awesome (yes, I served a mission) but it can also be really hard. You will have some hard times. But you can do it --I base this on the fact that you and your therapist feel you are ready, and from my own experience, I know I am in a much better place than I was two years ago. I imagine you are too.

So my advice is don't think of your past depression and suicide as something that makes you "weak", but quite the opposite. It is something you came through and it made you stronger! You have a strength now that you did not have before, and I would guess a greater compassion that will be a great asset in the mission field. I believe you will do great!

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Thanks Parakeet and Chrissy!

I have talked to my therapist and she says she will support me and feels I am ready. I have learned so many skills and have really discovered a lot about myself. I have a number of tools that include journaling, music, going on a walk, and scripture study.

Thank you for the support! Those thoughts are comforting and I have to remember not where I was but how far I have come.

I am fully confident that I will be able to emotionally handle a mission. I have a positive outlook on life and have discovered where my issues stem and how to validate myself while recognizing any negative thoughts. It has been a ton of work but I am moving forward!

I also never feel more content and loved than when I am close to the Spirit. I know that a mission is a very spiritual experience and so I am more confident that I can handle myself. Putting everything in a spiritual perspective is a tool I use.

I know the Spirit will guide me while I prepare for a mission. I appreciate the point about having a greater compassion because of what I have experienced.

And Parakeet I am so happy that you are in a much better place! Let's never go back there again. I am happy that you were strong enough and brave enough to look at yourself and decide to change. Go us! Moving forward one step at a time!

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Hey Katiejill, I've just received my mission call, and when preparing to put in my papers, I'd had some history with some nasty depression and self-harm stuff and I was in just about the same boat as you. You should be perfectly fine, you might have to open up to your doctor, bishop, and stake president about it, but otherwise they should let you go on a mission without much of a fuss otherwise.

What'll happen when you're to put in your papers is that you'll have a preliminary meeting with your bishop in which after through the basics kind of questions he'll give you access to begin filling out your missionary papers, mainly your health forms.

You'll have to fill out a Personal Health form, on this form it'll ask you things ranging from allergies, eye wear (if necessary), and yes, past/present emotional health. On this one you'll go through the boxes and rate yourself on how serious you feel the issue was (do I currently suffer from depression? do I currently feel suicidal? have I ever self-harmed? etc.) If you check any 'yes' on any of those boxes (whether something like allergies or emotional health) you'll have another place where you'll be allowed to explain, and that's where you'd put probably how long's it's been, that you've been receiving help, and that your therapist feels that you're doing much better as well.

You'll print that out and present it to your doctor who may or may not ask you questions about it to help them in their evaluation and then that'll evaluation and health form will go to your bishop and then to your stake president and so they will be able to see your history.

There will also be a way that you can even get a letter from your therapist saying that you've improved and has given you the OK and you can upload it and submit it with the rest of your paperwork to. (This wasn't necessary for me, but it can be a reassuring extra thing if you're feeling stressed about how your papers might turn out)

They'll probably ask you a few questions and talk to you about the stresses of missionary work, but so long as you're feeling good, they should let you go.

For mine, the stake president said I might have to wait an extra week or so for the church to decide if I should go and do an assessment to make sure that I better, but I was never called in and I received my call within 2-3 weeks and now I'll be serving a normal, full-time mission.

Congratulations on your decision!

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Posted (edited) · Hidden

Hey Everyone!

So I am planning on going on a mission! I am really excited about it and have been praying and feel like it is what Heavenly Father wants me to do… which I guess answers my question since if Heavenly Father wants me to do it everything will work out.

But I am still a little concerned. I have had a history of depression and I attempted suicide two years ago. I still see a therapist, more since as a result of the attempt a lot of family issues were brought up and so my family now goes to family therapy. My therapist helps me work through all of that, but I have made leaps and bounds from where I was two years ago. I no longer have to take medication and wouldn't say I am depressed anymore.

There are questions about these sorta things in the paperwork so thats why it is on my mind. My concern is that the hospitalization after the attempt and continuing with the therapist today would somehow impact my mission call. Will it?

The concern is still there, but I suppose I need to remember Heavenly Father will guide me to where I need to go and what I need to do.

I guess I just need some reassurance. Thank you all for your time!

katiejill- I am so glad you have a come a long way! I too have come a long way with my mental health issues. I still have them and probably will for life. My issues are well under control. I do what I need to to make sure they stay that way. My one issue is major and I really need to stay on medication (likely for life, I will see). That is good you were able to get off medication! I have tried to get off my medication a couple times and let's just say it doesn't work out well for me.

Be honest about the past and don't worry too much about it. Heavenly Father will guide you to where you need to go and what you need to do! :) If it is meant to be, it will be. If it is not meant to be, something else that is good will happen in the future.

Edited by Star_
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Being an RM, I have noticed that missionaries that can relate to people are very needed. There is someone, somewhere that needs your experiences to relate to. It might be difficult at times, but make the choice to follow all of the rules, all of them. You will be watched over and blessed. Your choice to go is exciting!! Happy for you!

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