Technical temple recommend question


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So my wife and I are renewing our temple recommends. Well, we did the "bishop" part of it in December of 2011. We were of course planning to get our stake president interviews done, but then stake boundaries changed, building changed and we had tons of things going on.

Fast forward to now. We want to renew them. Do we have to start all over again or can we just get the stake president one done? The time frame is 2 years now, instead of one, right?

Worthiness is the same too....(except for temple attendance)

Edited by MaMeeshkaMow
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We had our bishop interviews in October, never made it to the stake presidency's interview times, and by December the ward executive secretary called to schedule us appointments to start over because we waited too long. I think they said there's a 30-day requirement to finish with the stake pres.

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We had our bishop interviews in October, never made it to the stake presidency's interview times, and by December the ward executive secretary called to schedule us appointments to start over because we waited too long. I think they said there's a 30-day requirement to finish with the stake pres.

I don't think there's any official written policy (unless there's been something in the past 18 months). It was common for some of our members to go 2-3 months between the bishop and stake presidency interviews. I probably depends on the local leadership.

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