Sum of Good Choices


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Good Morning changed. I hope you are having a wonderful day! :)

Thank you for this comment, changed. I too was also thinking along these lines. I believe that the atonement is what allows our good choices to be profitable. If we exercise faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ then our weaknesses and our sins will be washed away and we will be left with only the sum of the good choices that we have made.



This is how I see it too.

I have a strange feeling that for me, there was a list of things I wanted to improve on and I choose this time, place, circumstance, to some degree that would let me learn those things. Than its up to me to learn it. I didn't come here to be perfect just to learn a FEW select attributes.

I am willing to bet MOST of the SMALL circumstances in our life are the REAL TRIALS/LESSONS. Just saying hello to someone that needs asmile. Not having a grudge to someone who offends you. Just being happy and ENJOY perfecting yourself. Don't fuss about not BECOMING but just "make it a game" of what can I do better today. This attiude will allow us to be more Christ like I feel because we are doing it because we want to versus its something we HAVE to or NEED to do to make it into heaven.

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Here is an interesting quote to add to your thought...Not sure who is speaking but they are paraphrasing Heber C Kimbal or quoting him.

The soul is evolving. Each soul is most likely without beginning just as it has no end. Souls have evolved from beginning less time. In God's school room. Mozart the musician. A musical skill we consider a genious, but those skills are the results of many lifetimes of concentrated efforts on this earthly plane or in the pre-existence. We are all like actors with each existence playing a different role and with each new role we draw closer to the perfection that we seek. We are the sum of all the lives that we have lived. We may not remember but they are alive in our subconscious.

Journal of Discourses Vol. 6, p. 63

I would encourage anyone to read the full quote. (Hope the citation is accurate or try googling for it)

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What do you believe this statement means?

"At the end of our life we will become the sum of all the good choices we have made."

Second, do you believe this is a true principle? Why or why not?



Finrock...I love your way of thinking.

I absolutely agree with the quote. To take it one step further...Up to this this very day...30MAY2013, we are the sum of all of our good and bad choices in our lives. Looking to the end of my life, I hope to make the correct choices enabling me to become all I want and dream of becoming in the next life.

In 1971, Hartman Rector Jr. gave a talk on intelligence and ignorance. This is a quote from that talk:

Well, isn’t there anything good we can take with us when we go, we may ask? The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the knowledge and intelligence gained here in this life would go with us when we leave.

“And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.

“There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—

“And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” (D&C 130:19–21.)

This being true, then it would seem that we all should place the pursuit of light and truth, or intelligence, uppermost in our selection of goals, since we may have them eternally. We must seek after enlightenment. Since “the glory of God is intelligence” (D&C 93:36), if we would be like our Heavenly Father, our course is fixed.

Thank you for putting this quote before us! I love it!


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