Ethics and Honesty by David B. Haight

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Shows the powers that are in the Government. When the government doesn't have to stay quiet anymore and no backlash you know society is numb. As Ether 8 says, "when you see these come upon you, awake to your awful situation"... For that is when you become destroyed.

Next dispensation upon us? The building of Zion.

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I have too many people lately who are "too tired" to pay attention to these unpleasant issues or they won't care until it affects their bottom line. Even one of my close relatives said they don't care about the Tea Party being targeted because they don't like them.

And that's an American sentiment? They told me they would also vote against guns because they don't like them. I said, "Why do YOU have the right to tell other people they can't defend themselves? If you don't like guns, don't own one! And people shouldn't be allowed to hunt to feed their family?"

Now they're saying the EPA has targeted conservatives and the administration has secret email accounts, which is also illegal. Oh, and the IRS doesn't have the receipts to account for the millions they spent on a "conference" (aka party). The nerve of them doing that in this economy!

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And that's an American sentiment? They told me they would also vote against guns because they don't like them. I said, "Why do YOU have the right to tell other people they can't defend themselves? If you don't like guns, don't own one! And people shouldn't be allowed to hunt to feed their family?"

Whose hunting to feed their family? What year is this?

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Whose hunting to feed their family? What year is this?

Strawman and non-sequitor.

The Second Amendment says, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged."

Not one word in there about "the right of the people to hunt for food".

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