Looking for an At Home Data Entry Job


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My wife was laid off recently as a worker who did Data Entry at home. The company had poor management and lost a lot of its contracts. It laid a lot of its work force as a result.

Can anyone give me some job leads for her? She is wanting about 20 hours a week at home. No phone calls, just data entry. Does anyone know of any leads? I have been looking around on the Internet and seem to just be finding scams.

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My mom works for Uhaul which is out of her home. It isn't a bad gig. She was doing it full time until Obamacare forced employers with over 50 employees to provide them insurance.

She can work up to 28 hours. You have to have a computer of course. You simply just take phone calls from potential customers who want to make reservations or who have questions.

The schedule can vary immensely and it is always easy for her to give up shifts or take others. Now that I think of it, sometimes they can have more than 28 hours.

Good luck to you!

They are headquartered in Phoenix. I am not sure if you have to live in the area for employment.

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