I REALLY need advice ASAP!


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Hi guys,

I would really appreciate any advice you could give (from an LDS perspective).

Yesterday, an extremely inappropriate ad suddenly filled my computer screen. I have no idea why this happened or where it came from. Let's just say it was something I would never search for in my life. I was so shocked that it took me a minute to realize what I was looking at, but when I did, I got rid of it as soon as I could. I mean, this is something I would NEVER, EVER view.

Although this viewing was accidental, I still feel very guilty about it, and I'm constantly afraid it will happen again. I'm always extremely careful about what and how I search. What should I do? I've prayed a lot about it already and I'm still nervous.

Thanks so much!

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...and I'm still nervous.

Nervous about what? That it will happen again, or that you'll be punished for it?

If it happened as you described, there is no chance at all of the latter happening. Your actions in closing it down immediately are more than suitable, and that's really the end of it. You're better off pushing the whole incident out of your mind.

If it's the former, I suggest you install an ad blocker, and it might be worth using malware bytes (free) to check your PC for malware, just in case it was that causing popup.

Edited by Mahone
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You're better off pushing the whole incident out of your mind.

I remember having a conversation with my mission president after I came upon something that was probably similar in nature to the OP and, being a 19-year-old, got a bit caught up in the rush for a moment.

He first asked if anything more inappropriate had come from it. When I said no, he said very firmly to keep it that way and move on. He told me about how missionaries occasionally would think or feel or even do a variety of things that were inappropriate but not exactly a deal-breaker, so to speak. He said some would get really worked up about it and feel like they were unworthy, sinful, damned, going to be sent home, etc. Then we talked about how we can easily get distracted by mistakes we've made but repented of (or maybe they didn't even require repentance) and unintentionally impede our own progress.

It was unintentional in the first place, you feel bad about it, and you've tried to make it right, so yes, put it out of your mind and move on.

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No need to worry. You did nothing wrong. Just do all you can to replace any reoccuring images of that coming to mind by replacing it with the most sweet, pure image you can...like Jesus giving you a hug, or a baby being snuggled in a blanket or little children playing ring around the rosie.

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No need to worry. You did nothing wrong. Just do all you can to replace any reoccuring images of that coming to mind by replacing it with the most sweet, pure image you can...like Jesus giving you a hug, or a baby being snuggled in a blanket or little children playing ring around the rosie.

I also like singing a hymn, either mentally or out loud, reading my scriptures or any other church-related writings, if possible, or looking at pictures of the temple. Flood your mind with spiritual things to help push out negative thoughts.

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