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Hi everyone!

I've read most of the book of Mormon, and the Bible and I feel like I'm close to joining the LDS church but I feel like there's something holding me back. I believe in all of the revealed scriptures and the prophethood of Joseph Smith, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to change my religion (I'm from a Methodist family).

How would you deal with this 'inexplicable' reluctance?

Is it time to invite the missionaries in my home to guide me?

Are there any English LDS around? (I'm worried my family will see it as just an American fad)

Thanks for reading. And many thanks for any replies! :)

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Hi everyone!

I've read most of the book of Mormon, and the Bible and I feel like I'm close to joining the LDS church but I feel like there's something holding me back. I believe in all of the revealed scriptures and the prophethood of Joseph Smith, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to change my religion (I'm from a Methodist family).

How would you deal with this 'inexplicable' reluctance?

Is it time to invite the missionaries in my home to guide me?

Are there any English LDS around? (I'm worried my family will see it as just an American fad)

Thanks for reading. And many thanks for any replies! :)

We have been around a bit long to be a fad. :D My nephew just went to England by the way on a mission. :)

I have no answer to your question except to ask why you are hesitant to join if you believe in the church? How old are you? Do you live at home with parents? Do you worry that they will be angry? Is it that you feel you would be alone? Have you gone to the ward or branch in your area? Maybe it would help you not feel alone?

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Yeah a big part of me being hesitant is not wanting to upset the relationship with my family. Trying to think of a way to break the news to them that I'm interested in the LDS church... Very tricky. The only bit they 'know' is that it's and 'American religion where you can have lots of wives'. So I'm a bit worried about any prejudice I'll face and I even though I'm 26 I think family is important and I don't want to alienate them.

But then again I suppose if I belive it I'll have to follow my convictions... And invite the missionaries to get the ball rolling

(I don't think the whole LDS church is a fad but my grandparents worship in a 900 year old church - for them Methodism is new! ;)

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I was almost 21 when I joined I am now old enough to be your mother . You should call the missionaries up make and apt with them to come and teach u, if u still live at home u can arrange to have the lessons in a members house. And go to church services all this will help you. pray for your parents to not be upset or mad, and to understand your an adult and u can choice for yourself. If u desided to get baptisted ask ur parents to come. most of us come from different faiths, cultures, and background...its all good. Heavenly Father loves us all. U can lead your family with love and kindness and respect...I know that you willl love the Church It is His church he set up originally when he was on the earth. It has been restored it is His gospel. To have His gospel and be a member will bring you much happiness, joy, peace in this world, and forever.

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If you feel uncomfortable with missionaries coming to your home, you can always meet at the church, at a friends house or a church members house, or even at the local library or park.

all of my friends are atheists, and I don't know any church members

it'd be easier to go to them, not sure where the library is... and nature, especially in the past few weeks has been... unpredictable :lol: (as Canada is known to do)

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aww that's nice, I can't really invite them over since I don't live alone and the others here... generally have little desire for religion or its people within...

I'll probably just go to them

thats what i did lakumi:

Just walked in the church, and all alse followed...the sister missionaries spotted me and came to talk with me. I was living at home but an adult, but from a different culture where people in my house hold werent I had the lesson's in member's homes..when my dad found out he was somewhat hurt, but not mad and didnt disown me....

You can be the pioneer in your own family and with your friends....Yes you can be happy out of the church...but to have totally happiness, lasting happiness peace and joy even in hard times and extremely hard times well God has shown us the way...It's by following His trying and striving.

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Well, you can tell them that it isn't an american religion, I'm from Portugal, here we have thousands of members, and hundreds of youth. You didn't mention if you had a testimony, if you don't, you should work on getting one, I can tell you, it got IMPOSSIBLE for me to deny the church and not to go to Church every sunday after getting my testimony.

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