Started reading the Book of Mormon


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Last night I started reading the Book of Mormon seriously. Other times I've just flipped through different pages and read important or cool verses. I'm not far into the Book, only about 15 pages, but the story of the prophets Lehi and Nephi obtaining the plates of brass was pretty cool! I am looking forward to reading more.

My goal is to read at least 15 or even 50-100 pages per night (if I get ahead of myself ;)), and pray after each reading to ask God if this Book is true. I do sincerely believe it is true, though. I think if I keep praying about it, I will strengthen my faith in the Book of Mormon.

I really want to impress the missionaries. I can't imagine the look on their faces when they ask if I've read the Book of Mormon. I'll just say "I've read it all." xD I do plan on reading it all before September, which is when I am starting the lessons. :)

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Last night I started reading the Book of Mormon seriously. Other times I've just flipped through different pages and read important or cool verses. I'm not far into the Book, only about 15 pages, but the story of the prophets Lehi and Nephi obtaining the plates of brass was pretty cool! I am looking forward to reading more.

My goal is to read at least 15 or even 50-100 pages per night (if I get ahead of myself ;)), and pray after each reading to ask God if this Book is true. I do sincerely believe it is true, though. I think if I keep praying about it, I will strengthen my faith in the Book of Mormon.

I really want to impress the missionaries. I can't imagine the look on their faces when they ask if I've read the Book of Mormon. I'll just say "I've read it all." xD I do plan on reading it all before September, which is when I am starting the lessons. :)

Good for you.

What I found the most interesting when I first read the Book of Mormon (age 13) is how much what ever I was reading at the time had such important application to what I was doing and trying to understand at the time. It seemed as every question I had about religion was being answered as I read. Or any personal problem I seem to have - as soon as I seem to start reading - there was the answer I needed. It took me many years and readings to understand how this could be possible.

It was the Book of Mormon that kept me grounded through serving in the military during the Vietnam era, kept we through my mission, helped me in my studies in college (math and physics) and has been a great support throughout my profession as a scientist and engineer.

The Traveler

The Traveler

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Did you pray after each reading? I've only read it once so far, but praying after made it a lot more special for me.

no, I was at work for the majority of when I read it (on the bus on break, I work, as of now, in farm labour)

I do pray but its very sporadic of when it is in a day (I am getting used to it, I never prayed regularly before, I mean I did a few times when I was younger and that was it)

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no, I was at work for the majority of when I read it (on the bus on break, I work, as of now, in farm labour)

I do pray but its very sporadic of when it is in a day (I am getting used to it, I never prayed regularly before, I mean I did a few times when I was younger and that was it)

I'm doing my second reading tonight in bed. It's one of the best times to read, imo. It's relaxing and you won't be disturbed (unless you have an annoying brother or sister :P). And I will probably pray again after reading it.

Before I met the online missionary 3 weeks ago, I never prayed. Now, I try to pray as often as I can. I'm not the greatest at it, but I'm getting there. I wish you luck in your journey to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. :) I know I am looking forward to being apart of God's Church.

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I took something completely different away then either of you did... am I doing something wrong? lol

What are you trying to accomplish - not just in reading the Book of Mormon with with your life in general. What are some important things you are trying to accomplish this week, this year and with your life.

Also what feelings and understanding have you obtained or think you have obtained (or not obtained) in your reading of the Book of Mormon? What are you expecting from your reading of the Book of Mormon?

The Traveler

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I just started 2 Nephi recently. I read most 1 Nephi a few years ago mostly out of curiosity and didn't really like it. Now that I am meeting with the missionaries, I am reading the Book of Mormon for real (from where I originally left off years ago).

2 Nephi has really brought me joy and has brought me closer to Christ and God. I am so happy to call it scripture!

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What are you trying to accomplish - not just in reading the Book of Mormon with with your life in general. What are some important things you are trying to accomplish this week, this year and with your life.

Also what feelings and understanding have you obtained or think you have obtained (or not obtained) in your reading of the Book of Mormon? What are you expecting from your reading of the Book of Mormon?

The Traveler

write a novel that I can show to people and not think its awful.

Right now, just get a job and some stability.

Only thing I can be sure of so far with it is I felt much more at peace when reading it at work, as opposed to other books.

I have no idea what to expect, to be honest.

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write a novel that I can show to people and not think its awful.

Right now, just get a job and some stability.

Only thing I can be sure of so far with it is I felt much more at peace when reading it at work, as opposed to other books.

I have no idea what to expect, to be honest.

Sorry, but I had to chuckle a little reading this post. I have felt for most of my life that science fiction novels mostly border on the absurd in regards to science and deep into ridiculous fantasy. As an engineer and scientist, having written many published manuals dealing with automation, robotics and artificial intelligence - I thought - how hard can it be to write an intelligent novel? I initially became involved in forums like this on the internet to develop writing and communication techniques endearing to the masses. Alas, the character development skills spun by yarns of popular story tellers seems to be a skill set exclusionary to scientific logic. Good luck with your novel.

As to life goals - I should leave that to those more personable. However, concerning religion and the Book of Mormon - I have some suggestions that you can consider or reject. I would suggest, from a religious stand point you take yourself a little more seriously. I do not say this to offend - but if you are going to offer others anything meaningful in a novel - you ought to have something of value to offer them for considering your point of view. Something that is not the obvious - something that others seem to have missed in their journey of life.

The Book of Mormon deals a great deal with individuals caught up in circumstance of various levels of failing culture. You might want to consider that view of the world and even your circumstance - You might want to see what G-d has to say about why cultures fail and what it takes to survive a failing culture - if you can. I believe you will be quite surprised with what the Book of Mormon has to offer you specifically.

The Traveler

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The Book of Mormon has answered a lot of questions I've had thus far. I'm almost half through 1 Nephi, and it's really just a phenomenal story.

I am ordering my Quad from Deseret Book this Saturday (gotta get a gift card, since I have no credit card), and I'll have all of the LDS canon of scripture. xD I think the missionaries are going to be a bit surprised at how ready I am. :)

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