1st Commandment Question


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So this has been a hot topic in the "Gods and Godesses" threa, but I thought I would start a new one for this one.

The first commandment states Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

My question is what other gods is he talking about?

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Remember that the culture at the time was one of worshipping the imaginary gods of men, things that were then made of stone, or wood, etc. Another huge part of this false god worship was the altars and groves, which were rank with prostitution, or even the cruelty of Baal, where they burned infants on the molten altar.

Now, are we any different today? I think not. I know of people that worship mother earth (the tree huggers and other lunatics), those that worship their bodies to the point that the take nutrition and working out to an extreme, those that worship their cars, or their boats, or their jobs (sacrifice all at the altar of a promotion or career).

That to me is having no other gods before our HF. Nothing comes between us and him in our devotion and love.

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I do not think it is in reference to idols as there is another commandment that specificly targets that. If it did, then that would mean we only have 9 commandments.

I think it is to mean that God our Father in heaven is the highest. He is above our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all his Angels. That is my opinion of the matter.

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I do not think it is in reference to idols as there is another commandment that specificly targets that. If it did, then that would mean we only have 9 commandments.

I think it is to mean that God our Father in heaven is the highest. He is above our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all his Angels. That is my opinion of the matter.

Idols can be defined as an object used to represent the false god that one might worship. Here's an essay with an explanation (very long):

The first and second commandments are similar in that both deal with the matter of Israel’s worship. They are distinct in that the first commandment has restrictions pertaining to the object of worship (God alone), while the second has restrictions regarding the means of worship. The second commandment prohibits worship by means of “visual aids,” more commonly known as idols.233



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This is just my opinion. I feel that when Heavenly Father gave that commandment to Moses it was part of the lesser light and knowledge, the aaronic priesthood. As we should remember from the scriptures moses had two sets of plates that contained the two priesthoods. When he saw what what was going on when he came down from the mountain, he destroyed the second set of plates due to unworthiness of the people to receive the Melchizedek priesthood. As active members we know that we can strive to become Gods and Godesses. So therefore when we have the light and knowledge of both priesthoods we know that there are other Gods and Godesses out there. But we are the children of our Heavenly Father and we are to worship him only.

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