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Hello everyone. I look forward to the discussions that are sure to take place through this forum.

Suppose I should give a little bit of a bio, seeing as how I am introducing myself.

I am 25 years old, living on a farm outside the town of Brukunga, South Australia. I work as a middle manager in a large supermarket chain. It's not a flashy job, but it pays the bills.

I am an avid reader. Dante Alighieri is my all time favorite. He is the famed author who wrote, The Divine Comedy. However his lesser know book, Il Convito ( The Banquet ), is by far my all time favorite book. Anyone who loves poetry,theology and or philosophy will love this 13th century author, having said that he is not for the uninitiated. Be prepared to spend many a frustrated nights trying to decipher what the heck he's trying to say.

I've been a member of the church my whole life, although most of it has been spent inactive. I found this forum through google.

I am currently attempting to return to church. However, as anyone who has fallen away for any significant amount of time will tell you, it's harder than it sounds. Hopefully through this forum I can meet people with similar back stories and experiences.

Anyways, i've rambled on long enough for now. I look forward to getting to know you all.

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Greetings to you Drtm1988 and welcome :)

Hello everyone. I look forward to the discussions that are sure to take place through this forum.

Suppose I should give a little bit of a bio, seeing as how I am introducing myself.

I am 25 years old, living on a farm outside the town of Brukunga, South Australia. I work as a middle manager in a large supermarket chain. It's not a flashy job, but it pays the bills.

I am an avid reader. Dante Alighieri is my all time favorite. He is the famed author who wrote, The Divine Comedy. However his lesser know book, Il Convito ( The Banquet ), is by far my all time favorite book. Anyone who loves poetry,theology and or philosophy will love this 13th century author, having said that he is not for the uninitiated. Be prepared to spend many a frustrated nights trying to decipher what the heck he's trying to say.

I've been a member of the church my whole life, although most of it has been spent inactive. I found this forum through google.

I am currently attempting to return to church. However, as anyone who has fallen away for any significant amount of time will tell you, it's harder than it sounds. Hopefully through this forum I can meet people with similar back stories and experiences.

Anyways, i've rambled on long enough for now. I look forward to getting to know you all.

After 15 years of being "inactive" I just recently returned to the fold. It's a shame I ever left in the first place for I didn't realize then that I had the (restored) Truth, but instead got caught up in an endless search for the Truth by being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. Picking up the Book of Mormom again in June I began a slow reading of its content and found within days my heart beginning to swell with joy and a longing to return to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After contacting the missionaries in my area and meeting with them as well as a member of our ward, I returned to the fold as of August 11. Since then I have met with the Bishop, and now I wait for my calling and to be able to go the Temple.

My advice... return to the church, do not procrastinate, step out by faith and God wil meet you half way and you will be glad you did.

God bless you.


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