Question about counseling

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It has been a hard few years. Since 2008 to be precise. I would like to go to marriage counseling but I have some issues getting in the way. How do you talk to a counselor about sensitive personal spiritual situations that have affected the marriage? I mean experiences I think they counsel you not to tell lightly. I don't want it belittled, discounted, or for the counselor to think I'm crazy. I know what I know. I'm dying inside. He is dying inside. What is going on inside of me is affecting our family in one way or the other.

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MissHalfway could answer this better than I could; but I think part of the training for counseling is for the counselor to learn to be nonjudgmental and to accept the client's moral/spiritual values on their own terms, regardless of how they differ from your own.

But certainly, it's not a bad plan to call around a bit and see if there are any counselors in your area who come from an LDS background, or at least have experience treating other Church members.

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Just A Guy is correct. Obviously a counselor who shares your belief system is a better option, but if that is not available to you, then any counselor should be able to deal with your situation in a professional manner. If you find that a counselor is not doing that, then I would change to a different one. As counselors, we are trained to deal with any situation in an accepting, non judgmental way. Of course, we are not perfect either. But you should never feel ridiculed, or belittled in any way. Look around. Ask others you may know who have visited counselors if they have any recommendations. Good luck. :)

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