Possible help for someone who may have lost their way.

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Was hoping someone could guide me to a place where I may get some help. I'm very concerned someone has lost their way but I 'm not sure of the ramifications if brought to an elders attention. Would anyone know what I can do to get some advice or is this a safe place to do it? I am very scared for them.

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Was hoping someone could guide me to a place where I may get some help. I'm very concerned someone has lost their way but I 'm not sure of the ramifications if brought to an elders attention. Would anyone know what I can do to get some advice or is this a safe place to do it? I am very scared for them.

are you married to this person, dating, or just a friend (different relationships require different advice).:)

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I’ve been married to her for 4 years. I am not a member of the church but she is. We lived together in Virginia and she moved with our two children to Texas in July for what I thought was to finish school. I went to Texas last Saturday to visit my family and she left our children in the care of their cousin. I was told she was going to a study group on Tuesday and then on to her grandmothers for Thanksgiving by herself. She dropped all communication with me and our children on Tuesday afternoon and by Thanksgiving had still not turned on her phone. No one in our family knew where she was and she was not at her grandmothers. I called the police to file a missing persons report and the police were able to get a hold of her at a number that I did not know. Her cousin, who lived with her, called on Thanksgiving to speak to me about the knowledge of alcohol abuse, marital indiscretion, and beating our children. She apparently went across the state to have an affair with a 19 year old. She is 30. She lied to her dad by telling him that I was not giving her money to support the children and it is with this money he sent her that she was able to drive across the state for affair. Her Grandmother has known and kept hidden from the family about the affair for over 6 months.

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Ditto Eowyn, big time.

Take your kids home.

THEN Call LDS Family Services.

If/when you take the kids to church on Sunday... Speak with the Bishop.

((I have a friend whose dad was a member, mom wasnt, who took her and her sisters to church every Sunday until the kids were old enough to be dropped off. Mom never converted/ was perfectly happy with her own walk/ but had agreed to raise the kids LDS & felt it was good for them to keep to Eid routine when things were traumatic, then good for them in general once things settled. I don't know if this is something you'll choose to do, or not, but it is an option. I have friends in other faiths who had similar experiences, and others who wouldn't let kids attend unless parents were members. Just as an FYI that if you want to keep the kids attending, you'll be more than welcome to.))


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This sounds to me like a legal issue and the Church really can't help you with that.

The Church can offer counseling, however the person has to want to accept not only going in for counseling but then has to act upon that counsel.

This sounds way beyond that from what you described is happening.

Personally if what you posted is true then I'd be contacting an attorney if I were you.

The Church has no way to force an individual to behave other than to restrict or rescind membership - and from what you posted she is way beyond that point.

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