sealing cancellation

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Hi. So I just have a question. I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year. I can see us getting married and sealed in the temple someday. I feel that we will be heading in that direction. The issue is that he was sealed to his ex wife when they were married. She cheated on him multiple times, started drinking alcohol, and stopped attending church. If we do get married at some point and want to get sealed can he get a sealing cancellation from his ex wife first and does he have to be sealed to both of us. Don't think I feel too good about both of us being sealed to him.

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Turtleshell, one thing to bear in mind is that the sealing is not just between the husband and wife; it's also between each party to the marriage and God Himself. Sometimes, even after a divorce, Church authorities will be reluctant to cancel a sealing (though, once the bureaucratic processes are complete, they are very likely to clear the husband's being sealed to a new wife). The reason for this reluctance is that by cancelling the sealing, the Church is also revoking the covenant relationship that the sealing gave her with God. She may not value that very much now; but she will value it very much if she ever repents. Therefore, in general terms, the Church's preference is to not cancel an earlier sealing until or unless the wife is prepared to undergo a new sealing ordinance; and for that, she'll need a new partner. (Note that this does not mean that that your boyfriend and his ex would remain sealed to each other; it just means that they would remain heirs to the blessings of the sealing covenant generally.)

So, I wouldn't be too concerned about whether or not you will be able to get sealed to your boyfriend if you choose to marry him. But you might want to prepare your mind for the possibility that Church may deny the administrative cancellation of the first sealing. The theological and eternal implications of such a decision should be minimal for you; but the emotional implications can be difficult to deal with.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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