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I had to divorce my abusive husband after 15 years and now want to get our sealing cancelled. This is my 2nd husband and we have no children together. I gave him the ok to get sealed to his new (5th) wife. I do not want to be sealed to him forever. Does anyone know what would happen to me after I die if I never remarry in this life?

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Guest Doctrine

Don't worry god won't force you to be with someone you don't want to be with you still have a choice in the next life.

So you can be sealed to a man who will love you and you him.

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I had to divorce my abusive husband after 15 years and now want to get our sealing cancelled. This is my 2nd husband and we have no children together. I gave him the ok to get sealed to his new (5th) wife. I do not want to be sealed to him forever. Does anyone know what would happen to me after I die if I never remarry in this life?

Your sealing actually set up a series of three covenant relationships:

1) Between you and your ex;

2) Between you and God;

3) Between your ex and God.

Through unrighteousness, your ex has broken any ratification that the Holy Spirit of Promise may have ever given to relationships 1) and 3); so they are essentially null and void as far as the afterlife is concerned. But relationship 2) remains intact, conditional on your (and only your) faithfulness--now, and in the hereafter.

Because of that, the Church tends to be loath to cancel a woman's sealing to an ex-husband unless or until the woman has found a new partner that she desires to be sealed to--while the sealing remains "on the books", relationship 2) remains in place and you have the promise that, at some point, you can enjoy relationship 1) with a new, more worthy partner who will honor his relationship 3). Administratively dissolve the sealing, and you lose all of that.

I've heard of cases where a divorced woman squawked enough, and/or went high enough up the Church hierarchy, that a cancellation of sealing was granted primarily to placate the woman. I'll even go so far as to concede that in some cases of extreme abuse, perhaps such a step may be seen as necessary to the woman's own emotional healing. But my understanding is that theologically, such an action doesn't do anyone any favors.

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