Helping a friend have an open heart to pray?


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I have a friend who is really eager to make steps toward finding the truth, but his main obstacle is that he can't seem to pray with (in his words) "an open heart" which I've guaranteed him will provide an answer. He wants to learn how to be more open to the possibility of God and the opportunity to communicate with Him, and I can't seem to find many resources on the subject. Does anybody know any good Church sources (videos, articles, etc.) to share with him?



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The Church released a Mormon Messages video on prayer. It's called origin.

If it helps at all, the easiest way for me to pray (and my favorite way) is to just talk to God. I have a quiet spot on campus by a lake where I'll sit or pace and just talk to God as if he were right there. Out loud. I can imagine how silly I look to passers by. But it helps so much and helps me really have a heart to hear. Funny thing is, this form of prayer started as a way for me to "tell God off" when I was going through a bad time. Now is my moment of honest conversation with God as I try to make His will my own.

Out of fear of sounding like a cop out answer, let me just say this: prayer is a process. We aren't going to have prefect prayers our first few times. We need to practice prayer through continual prayer. That's the only way we can approach it properly.

Your friend is definitely in my prayers.

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