Missionary Companion Questions


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I will be getting set apart next Monday, and I know I should know this already but I do have one question. When a missionary gets set apart are they required to have a companion up until they enter thee MTC, and if so what qualifies a person to become their companion? I am just wondering cause I was going to have my Aunt who is married be my companion, is it okay or not?

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I went thru same thing many years ago and they told me to live the rules as much as possible and not to go somewhere by myself. When it was time to leave the MTC in Provo for plane to England I had a Sister Missionary as my companion. When I came home was not able to meet with Stake President until 3-4 days later and was told same thing. Live the rules as much as possible and please don't go somewhere by yourself.

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  • 1 month later...

I will be getting set apart next Monday, and I know I should know this already but I do have one question. When a missionary gets set apart are they required to have a companion up until they enter thee MTC, and if so what qualifies a person to become their companion? I am just wondering cause I was going to have my Aunt who is married be my companion, is it okay or not?


Don't worry about it too much.  You can drive yourself crazy by trying to perfectly follow all the rules.  Yes, being with your Aunt is okay. :)

Enjoy your mission!  Don't forget to relax sometimes.

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