Santo Domingo Temple marriage?


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Hey everyone just a question about having a "destination temple wedding". I live in an area with lots of temples and thought a small destination one with family would be neat. Does anyone know if the Dominican republic laws require people to be civilly married before performing a Temple marriage/sealing? Looked it up and can't find anything! thank you

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When I was in the DR, there was no temple there.  It was announced not long before I left, so I have no idea as to the marriage laws there with respect to the temple. 


If you speak Spanish, you could probably call the temple there and find out.


Why Santo Domingo? 

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Unless you and your fiancee speak Spanish, I would suggest at least going somewhere English speaking.  Finding a sealer that can seal you in a language you understand will be somewhat difficult, and the sealers usually have some good life advice for marriage as well.  There are also certain other aspects of getting sealed that require you to speak a little more than one word.  You would either need several English speakers set apart as temple workers for the Santo Domingo temple, or you would need to know some Spanish. 


Also as an after thought, since that temple also would serve Haiti, French might work too, but you would have to check, the web page for that temple on makes no mention of available language accommodations.

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Here's the legal document for US Citizens getting married in the Dominican Republic:


If you change your mind - language barrier, and all that - you can search for the country you want to get married in.


Piece of just-my-2-cents-advice:  Destination weddings are great but it's adding an unnecessary complication that has the potential to detract from the sanctity of a sealing.  It's better to concentrate on the spiritual preparation for the temple marriage and then exhaust all your "Disney fantasies" on the reception/honeymoon that comes after - even weeks or months after so secular preparations don't get in the way of the spiritual stuff.

Edited by anatess
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I agree with Anatess, and would further suggest you be sensitive to the prospective guests' financial means and not get all offended if certain family members decline their invitations to spend a couple thousand dollars just to be with you in a foreign country on your special day.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Destination temple wedding?  Wow, that's a new one to me.  I consider the L.A. temple as my "home temple" because that's the one my parents were married in, I was endowed in, and I was sealed to my spouse in (well, former spouse now days).  It's that type of connection that one should consider. 

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