Identity Theft

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i work for the largest credit card company in the world.

you did the right thing with your son. just be careful what you give out. our Fraud Early Warning dept (FEW) may call you at the number listed on your acct to verify activity. the may leave a valid number for calling back. caution: there are bad people that do the same thing, too and when you call you verify your number, and it is not the cc company. my personal recommendation is to call the number listed on the card, instead of the number listed on the phone. i have taken many phone calls for this. sometimes there is no info listed that we called. this is most often a fraud attempt. if we call you, it will be noted to your acct.

when you are planning to travel, call us to let us know where you'll be going, then you won't get stopped and your card "declined". having been a gas station manager for over 20 years, i know that sometimes it is busy, and a clerk will say a card was declined, when in fact they were prompted to call for authorization. a merchant has to call a different number for authorization than that which is on the card. many clerks have trouble remembering where the book with their numbers are at, and it can be a long process, so it is easier to say it was declined, and hope for antoher form of payment.


Thanks for your reply. Iy has helped me. :)

Its not just any gel pen.

Its the uni-bal 207.

Its how I first learned about it.

I always liked those pens and use them in school, one day after buying them I was reading the back of the package. Before that I've never heard of check washing. It just happened to be a coincidence because I like those pens.

You can get them pretty much anywhere, I usually get mine at wal-mart.

This is especially helpful too because I do better with pictures. :D

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