Always attracting the wrong type

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I need some advice. First off I am a convert going to college in a rural non-LDS heavy area. Their are really no other members of the opposite sex my age around and I find it hard to find any dates. Although this doesn't stop girls who are the wrong type coming after me. It doesn't happen too often, but I get shallow, vain, mean spirited girls pursuing me.  I try to avoid them, but they try to inject themselves into my life, and if I tell them I am not interested they show their true colors and begin acting nasty. Most of these girls are acquaintances long before they show any interest and I know well before hand that I am not interested.  I really do not have high standards for any potential partner if any of these girls were nicer and members I would happy to be with any of them. 


How do I deal with these unwanted advances? How do I just get a normal relationship? I really have zero experiences with girls outside of these encounters. 

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Guest MormonGator

Dude, are you aware how many guys would love to have your problem? 


I'm in the same boat. Women all the time throw themselves at me. I'm so irresistible that I get cat calls walking out the door of my house.  :cool:


Just kidding. In all seriousness, I know what your talking about. I attracted the wrong type of girl for awhile until I began seeking out the right type. It's literally that simple. Just start looking for the kind of girl that shares your morals and beliefs and ignore the rest. Eventually they'll get the drift. 

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Guest MormonGator

The nice girls are waiting for you to approach them. Find them, and do it. :)

Yup. You never know. A girl might have a crush on you and you not know it until you ask. Happened to me in the past. When our friendship evolved into a romantic one we were both like "Oh-you felt the same way too but didn't say it?" 

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Live a good normal life and you'll get good normal relationships.  It can be as easy as that.  Don't just reject someone just because they're not members.  Friendship with lots of people is very good exercise to learn how to communicate and get "outside of your self" and think of and accommodate other people.  You don't need to date them all.  Just be friends.  So that, when the time does come that She walks into your life, you are prepared and have great communication and service skills to make a relationship work.

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