The Fall In Heaven


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He is the king of all.

Unknown but I'd guess anywhere he chose

It could mean that (that is basically what I was talking about)

I believe you have errored. For example G-d is not the "King of Evil" but the scriptures do use the title "king of Righteousness".

The statement that he lives anywhere he choses is misleading. There is a place he resides that is given in scripture. If you do not know what that place is then I can understand your response. If you know where G-d resides I would think you would know how to answer with the truth. Hint - G-d does not change for day to day - or from time to time but is identified as someone that is the same yesterday, today and forever. Since you do not seem to know where he is - I assume you will not be with him in eternity. This is not intended as a harsh judgement - just a simple response where I indicate why I am not real excited with you answers or your faith from which you obtain your answers.

The Traveler

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God being above all and sovereign would make him King of ALL.

Since you do not seem to know where he is - I assume you will not be with him in eternity. This is not intended as a harsh judgement - just a simple response where I indicate why I am not real excited with you answers or your faith from which you obtain your answers.

You're right Traveler. You do assume. The second part is mutual sir.
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