The Shining Stone


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Speaking of the translation stone, this prompted a memory that you may find interesting.


About twenty years ago I attending a fireside by someone who has extensive knowledge and experience among the Amerindians, especially as it relates to the church.


He cited an account by the early English settlers in the New England area.  As some of them were scouting the area, and locating various tribal villages, they came across a remarkable sight.  At night, of course it is very dark, and each village keeps a fire fire going in the middle of the village. 


These  English scouts came across something they had never seen before -- in the middle of the village was a shining stone which lighted up the village.  The following day they went back and tried to barter to get possess this stone, but they adamantly refused all offers.


A few days later they came back for another try but the wife of the chief had thrown the stone into river, beyond any hope of recovery.  They asked her why she did this, and she said that her people could not trust the settlers, and eventually they would take it away by force.  So she put it where no one could get it.


The speaker gave the reference, but I don't have it anymore.

Edited by cdowis
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Guest LiterateParakeet

Awesome story.

IMO, the Lord uses the tools he that work best with any given population. Notice how Joseph (Jacob's son), interpreted dreams for three different men, and had dreams himaelf. Dreams apparently we're very important in that culture and the Lord used that.

In Joseph Smith's time thereading appears to have been a lot of interest in seer stones. So the Lord used that.

The chicken or the egg here does not concern me...did they become interested in dreams/stones first and then the Lord used it or did the Lord inspire/encourage the interest so He could use it. Either way works for me.

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Someone has pointed out that the Lord has given each of our prophets experiences to prepare them for specific missions.  For example, President Monson's experience in the printing industry prepared him for the major revision of the scriptures -- its format and additional study resources.

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