Healing Comes In Many Ways


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Daily Gems

Healing Comes in Many Ways


"We can be healed through the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Jesus gave His Apostles power 'to heal all manner of sickness and all

manner of disease' (Matthew 10:1; see also Mark 3:15; Luke 9:1-2).

. . Although the Savior could heal all whom He would heal, this is not

true of those who hold His priesthood authority. Mortal exercises of that

authority are limited by the will of Him whose priesthood it is. . . .

"Healing blessings come in many ways, each suited to our

individual needs, as known to Him who loves us best. Sometimes a

'healing' cures our illness or lifts our burden. But sometimes we

are 'healed' by being given strength or understanding or patience

to bear the burdens placed upon us."

Topics: healing, priesthood,

illness, blessings

(Dallin H. Oaks, "He Heals the Heavy Laden," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 7-8)

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I love this quote it gave me a lot of understanding in my own life, in my patriachal blessing it says I havethe gift to be heald but I have been sick for a longtime, and wasn't getting better.

However I now understand Iwas given the strength to bearit and that illness can be a great teacher etc


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From SusieSA

Posted Today, 11:59 AM

Daily Gems

Healing Comes in Many Ways


"We can be healed through the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Jesus gave His Apostles power 'to heal all manner of sickness and all

manner of disease' (Matthew 10:1; see also Mark 3:15; Luke 9:1-2).

. . Although the Savior could heal all whom He would heal, this is not

true of those who hold His priesthood authority. Mortal exercises of that

authority are limited by the will of Him whose priesthood it is. . . .

"Healing blessings come in many ways, each suited to our

individual needs, as known to Him who loves us best. Sometimes a

'healing' cures our illness or lifts our burden. But sometimes we

are 'healed' by being given strength or understanding or patience

to bear the burdens placed upon us."

Topics: healing, priesthood,

illness, blessings

(Dallin H. Oaks, "He Heals the Heavy Laden," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 7-8)

From Charley:

I love this quote it gave me a lot of understanding in my own life, in my patriachal blessing it says I havethe gift to be heald but I have been sick for a longtime, and wasn't getting better.

However I now understand Iwas given the strength to bearit and that illness can be a great teacher etc


Dear Susie Patootie and Charley,

You are two of my favorite people on the planet! Literally! You both live so far away, yet because of this amazing technology I can get to know you and feel so special when you take out the time to talk with me. I love how you let me into your lives, talk about your babies, your struggles, your joys, and especially your quirky personalities. :P

You both are healers in ways you don't notice, as I do not have many friends, because, frankly, I do not suffer fools gladly. It's not that I'm conceited (well, maybe I am a little). I miss having friends terribly. Charley, you'll understand this better. It's just very exhausting for me to have friends because of my illness.

But I want you both to be my friends. I don't do that often, but I have with you two, and honestly, that's very rare.



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It's just very exhausting for me to have friends because of my illness.



Easy friends are not real friends. I am sorry if my posts seem stern or harsh - in the words of a coach I had long long ago "all my efforts are to make you better". If you are ever in grave danger and struggle to survive - if you can reach me or someone like me (perhaps a bishop), I will exhaust myself on your behalf - unless you do not desire to get throught it - a better person.

The Traveler

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<div class='quotemain'>

It's just very exhausting for me to have friends because of my illness.



Easy friends are not real friends. I am sorry if my posts seem stern or harsh - in the words of a coach I had long long ago "all my efforts are to make you better". If you are ever in grave danger and struggle to survive - if you can reach me or someone like me (perhaps a bishop), I will exhaust myself on your behalf - unless you do not desire to get throught it - a better person.

The Traveler

Hi Traveler,

You have reached out to me before, and I do not think your posts are stern or harsh.

I think your sentiments are sincere and generous, and I thank you for them. When you say you "will exhaust" yourself on my behalf, I do not take that lightly. In fact, I am very touched.

May I ask one question. Am I misreading your last sentence? What do you mean by "unless you do not desire to get through it - a better person."

Is it necessary for me to be "a better person."

Or have I misread you?


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I forgot to add this for you guys.

It's a song from the musical Wicked. It's called "For Good," and it's when Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of the West) and Glinda, who are best friends, have to part for the last time.

For Good


Awww Ephie...

I really enjoyed the song :D

You have toutched my life in a way that you will never know...

You were my "reality check" when I really needed it..

You saw what was to come before it was there & showed such concern and for that I will be forever greatful...

You have said to me exactly what I have need to hear when you have said it...

You have been part of my healing process in the last few weeks....

Thank you :)

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I forgot to add this for you guys.

It's a song from the musical Wicked. It's called "For Good," and it's when Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of the West) and Glinda, who are best friends, have to part for the last time.

For Good


that was great I have been thinking all night about this post lol

Dear Elphie

What a lovely post, some of my closest friends have been made online intially over the years and I think you and Susie are strong beautiful women who are battling through a lot, you are both very inspirational - I do understand what you mean if my best friend hadn't been so dedicated I wouldn't have had any left by now he spent nearly a year just shoving things through the letter box, even on cold wet nights when he had to walk over a mile to do it - then there was my husband who sacrificed a lot for me by spending hours, and hours online when I was at my lowest ebb. They are two of the most amazing men, think its why the overweight post brought out the monster in me lol - both those men are beautiful despite their extra bulk. Just because society wants cookie cutter doesn't make society right Mark Twain said something along the lines of if you find yourself on the side of the majority its time to stop and think.

I found this poem that made me think of the way you and Susie have influenced me over the past few weeks.:

Our Foremothers by Vimala McClure

(Taken from The Tao of Motherhood)

The ancient teachers demonstrated

their realization of the Way.

These ancient teachers were often

women. They were mothers and,

sisters, aunts and grandmothers.

They meditated. Through their

relationships, they they taught the

art of being

Because they meditatated, their

depth made them seem inscrutable

and their wisdom profound.

The truth is, they simply knew

how to be human.

They observed behavious and

acted with precision and care,

never acting recklessly. They

behaved with dignity and grace

and won respect of others

without trying. They respected

others and treated children like

human beings.

They were strong yet yielding,

like ice ready to melt. They were

simple, like the uncarved block of

wood. They were receptive like a

Valley between high mountains

They were full of life involved

in their families, yet they were

able to be still and become as deep

and clear as pure water

These ancient grandmothers did

not need to go away into the caves

or forests to become enlightened

They were enlightenment itself

Thank you the way you two ladies have been with me has given me strength - a few years ago I allowed a lady to bully me and lost myself and my way, and very nearly my faith. You have both allowed me to feel strong and intelligent again. Its amazing how the Lord knows how to send the right kind of healing our way - funny Ihad a blessing that promised me I would gain new friendships when I least expected it.


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Its amazing how the Lord knows how to send the right kind of healing our way - funny Ihad a blessing that promised me I would gain new friendships when I least expected it.

Charley, your poem was beautiful.

To both of you, feel blessed. Even though I'm not a believer, I do.


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