Avatar Advice Needed

Dr T

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I've tried to put various avatars up but have been unable. I think they are usually too big. Does anyone have some advice about how to alter an existing image to make it smaller so it can it within the LDS Talk parameters?

Thanks in advance.

Iggy, good avatar btw :)

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I've tried to put various avatars up but have been unable. I think they are usually too big. Does anyone have some advice about how to alter an existing image to make it smaller so it can it within the LDS Talk parameters?

Thanks in advance.

Iggy, good avatar btw :)

Thank you Dr. T

I'll try to help you with the Avatar.

Bring the picture you want to use up in MGI PhotoSuite. Sure hope you have that program. If you don't use what ever program you do have that will let you edit pictures you have saved or download. In the top menu find where Image is. You need to resize the image. When you resize it, it will give you the attributes of width and height. For LDS Talk the attributes have to be in pixels and no larger than 64 pixels, So change the pixels. Then save the picture. I have a file in My Pictures labeled Avatars, then a file that says LDSTalk because I belong to several forums and they each require different size avatars.

Now that you have your picture resized, and renamed Dr.T-LDSTalk avatar, and saved in a file you can easily find. Go ahead and pull up your profile, go to the avatar part and click on Browse. Find your avatar and click on it.

That should work.

Oh, if your original Pic is like 80x80 or 100x100- then go ahead and just reduce it to 64x64. But if it is 100x90 then try 64x64 and see what that looks like. If it not too distorted keep it. If it is distorted, then you will have to reduce one of the 64's by a bit - tweek it until it looks good. But keep it at 64 or less.

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Thank you Iggy. I don't have that program. Any others that you know of that can do the same thing? Can Photoshop? Thanks again

Yes, Photoshop should have it. Double Click on your picture, then right click on it, on the menu that pops up, click on Open with -, from there if you have PhotoShop click on that.

When that opens you will want to find where Image is. What I mean is from the top toolbar you may have to click on each one of the actions to find where you can Resize the picture. Once you find that, then you can go back to my original directions and go from there.

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