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not sure when I think back through our monarchs most of the Kings have been effeminate in style, same with the nobility.


You've got a point there, what with all those powdered wigs, lace, etc. Though I have to wonder if that had more to do with distinguishing themselves from "common" men (read, men who actually had to work for a living) than femininity. They did wear those exaggeratedly large codpieces, too, to make it look as though their "member" was larger than it actually was!! :D

Or who knows, maybe the behavior of old style kings and nobles is one of the reasons effeminacy unpopular now!


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They did wear those exaggeratedly large codpieces, too, to make it look as though their "member" was larger than it actually was!! :D

Speaking of "exaggerating" things, take a look at these men's shoes. You'll notice how some are longer and pointier than others. It's not by accident. B)

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Just think. Five hundred years from now people are going to be looking at pictures of our shoes and say "What were they thinking?" :sparklygrin:


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  • 2 weeks later...

here are my thoughts on "tomboys"......

As a guy on the "dating trail" I would much rather date girls that are considered tomboys than the chick that has 400 pairs of shoes (and i dated one of those in UT). I just seem to get along better with a girl that ain't afraid to bait her own hook, isn't scared of a shotgun in the closet, and understands the "cover 2" defense. I just seem to be annoyed by the girls that are more concerned about the color of their nail polish then what is in there savings account. A chick that will go out and load up $400 on an evil credit card for a fancy purse, i have no interest in. So bring on the tomboy girls, that are happy in a hoodie and a pair of levis.

just my thoughts

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Well, according to one avenue of research you might check a child's ring finger as it relates to the index finger. The ring finger is very sensitive in pre-natal growth to the influences of testosterone. A boy or girl with a ring finger that is the same size or shorter than the index finger received less male hormone and according to some researchers that person will be more girlish. If you have a long ring finger in relation to the index finger you are more masculine (girls tend especially to be tomboyish, have deeper voices, etc.).

Just thought this was interesting.

In case anyone was wondering, I just looked at my hands, and it has been confirmed: I am a man's man, through and through. There's probably not many more manly men around than me.

And no, I have not had my index fingers amputated at the first knuckle. :sparklygrin:

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Well, according to one avenue of research you might check a child's ring finger as it relates to the index finger. The ring finger is very sensitive in pre-natal growth to the influences of testosterone. A boy or girl with a ring finger that is the same size or shorter than the index finger received less male hormone and according to some researchers that person will be more girlish. If you have a long ring finger in relation to the index finger you are more masculine (girls tend especially to be tomboyish, have deeper voices, etc.).

Just thought this was interesting.

In case anyone was wondering, I just looked at my hands, and it has been confirmed: I am a man's man, through and through. There's probably not many more manly men around than me.

And no, I have not had my index fingers amputated at the first knuckle. :sparklygrin:


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I too have checked my fingers and they are both the same size, which I thought was very interesting (OK not VERY interesting, I do have a life, but it did get me thinking) as I do seem to be half and half when it comes to being girly v tomboyish. Some days I will be in the scruffiest pair of jeans you have ever seen, and joining chair football matches with the guys, the next day, I'm in a skirt and flowery top doing knitting with the RS. I think I've always been like that, if I had just thought to check my fingers before, all would have been clear. Notice that this is not a useful post, and that I'm just making a randomly related remark.... :sparklygrin:

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ok ok...i checked my fingers, too. And just like fairycakes I travel between both worlds a lot. I love sports! I don't know that you'll find a bigger Mavs fan than me! And don't even get me started on football! But at the same time I love to dress up and go out for dinner with my husband. Do my hair all up, put on my make up and hear him tell me how pretty I am. :)

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