Schools Indoctrinating Students -- Again or Still?


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All instruction is indoctrination. There is no way to teach math, science, English, history, or anything else without implicitly or explicitly indoctrinating. Therefor, the answer to the topic subject line is "still and again."

That said, most people only indoctrinate implicitly, and mostly by accident. This is overt and by design.

Get your children out of government-run, tax-funded welfare schools. The price of a "free" education is too high: the price is your child.


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@LeSellers The school in the article is a private school.

Not that public schools wouldn't do the same thing, to be fair. 

This is the "new morality" and it's viewed as the baseline - not a matter to be debated.  The narrative now is that if you see any problem with same sex couples or "gender identity issues" it's because you're objectively wrong.  "The wrong side of history" and whatnot.  This is not a topic we'll be able to discuss with school officials because to them, it would be no different than objecting to kids being taught that 2+2 = 4.

Remember when that point of view was the underdog, and we were forever being lectured about moral relativism?  Now that they have the advantage, all that talk has gone right out the window and it's conform or be shouted down.

How quickly people forget.

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27 minutes ago, unixknight said:

@LeSellers The school in the article is a private school.

Not that public schools wouldn't do the same thing, to be fair.

The problem with government-run, tax-funded welfare schools is that they are mandated. In most (nearly all) places, your address determines which grtf-welfare school your child goes to for his indoctrination. And, even where there are options, the schools are mostly the same in terms of what the schools teach as to morality. But with a private school, the parent (the one who writes the check) chooses the indoctrination, one that presumably would align well with the parent's world view.

So, this school is private. No one forces a parent to send his child into that classroom. The same is far from the case in a grtf-welfare school.


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2 hours ago, unixknight said:

Remember when that point of view was the underdog, and we were forever being lectured about moral relativism?  Now that they have the advantage, all that talk has gone right out the window and it's conform or be shouted down.

How quickly people forget.

Camel's nose in the tent.  Now we're being kicked out.

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