Modest Dresses


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I know many people find a hard time finding modest dresses for themselves or their daughters. Many of them are expensive, I know the pain of shopping for them. Last week I bought one off ebay cause now that it's after prom many girls seem to be selling theirs for a reasonable price. Just thought it'd be a good idea for anyone else who wants to get a jump start on next years prom or any other event. Here's one that I thought was beautiful and well priced:

Beautiful Blue Modest Dress

Good luck dress shopping!

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There are a few good online stores that sell modest dresses. I live in Australia where the climate is warm and subsequently hemlines shorter, lower and clothes tighter. Its hard to find modest clothes in any season except winter. Here are some good websites we have found and used for dresses in the past. (i know its for brides but they have a great section for bridesmaids and proms.)

There are more out there, but these are some of the best ones, we have found.

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I know many people find a hard time finding modest dresses for themselves or their daughters. Many of them are expensive, I know the pain of shopping for them. Last week I bought one off ebay cause now that it's after prom many girls seem to be selling theirs for a reasonable price. Just thought it'd be a good idea for anyone else who wants to get a jump start on next years prom or any other event. Here's one that I thought was beautiful and well priced:

Beautiful Blue Modest Dress

Good luck dress shopping!

I never thought to look on Ebay. My daughter has a hard time finding modest dresses for proms etc. Plus ones that we can afford. Hard living on a single mom's income and allowing them the luxury of prom dresses etc. Thanks for the idea.

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