Literal and Symbolic -- Fail


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The article above speaks of the "Fearless Girl" statue being placed in front of the "Wall St Bull" statue on the eve of Inernational Women's Day.  This publicity stunt fails on multiple levels.

If we take the literal placing a defiant girl in front of a raging bull, what would you think the wisdom of such a depiction would be.  I can almost guarantee that there is some little girl out there that will see this and decide that if some angry / vicious animal is charging at her, she need only stand defiantly and it will back down.  I hope that girl never has to try that theory out in real life.

If we take it symbolically, we see the "women's power" standing in the way of the bull.  I doubt the organizers know the sculptor's intent on the symbol of the bull.  


"I put it there for art. My bull is a symbol for America. My bull is a symbol of prosperity and for strength.”

So, what they're saying is that a defiant girl is what is blocking American Prosperity and Strength.  I don't think that's the message they intended.  But on a subliminal level that's exactly what they meant.

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