Let's Talk Sous Vide here.

Lost Boy

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I had been wanting to cook sous vide style for a long time.  I finally broke down and purchased an immersion cooker about 3 months ago.  The same time I decided it was time to remove a few inches from the waist line.

This kitchen gadget instantly became my favorite toy.

List of food toys from most used to least.

  1. Sous Vide Immersion cooker
  2. Pressure Cooker
  3. Smoker
  4. Grill

I am doing a low carb thing.  Not really Keto as I am not really loading up on fats, but basically a lot of veggies, a piece of fruit or two a day and 4-6 oz of meat each meal.  As I am limited to what I eat, I really only want to eat the best tasting stuff I can get my hands on and that usually means cooking it myself.

I've been trying to figure out the best way to cook steak for 25 years and never really got good at it.  That is until now.  Throw the steak into a zip lock bag, remove the air, and throw it into the sous vide around 133 deg F for a couple of hours.  Then pull it out, pat the steak dry and put it in the fry pan or grill for a minute or two and presto.... Perfect medium rare steak.  Steak better than most restaurants will serve.  Tender and juicy, full of flavor.  Absolutely amazing.  Do chicken, sausage, pork, fish, etc.  It all comes out incredibly delicious.

The prep time and actual my physically doing the cooking time is a lot less with sous vide as well.  Takes me less than 5 minutes prep and 5 minutes to finish the cooking.  However it does take some planning as the meat typically needs a few hours to soak and relax in the hot water.

So do you guys sous vide?  If so, what is your favorite thing to cook? 

And yes, I have shed a few pounds and continue to do so.  It is awesome to be able to eat great food and drop weight at the same time.


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14 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

Have never heard of this! Sounds yummy!

There is a youtube channel called sous vide everything.  A guy by the name of Guga cooks just about every meat out there sous vide style showing how to make it and then shares it with two of his buddies to rate the creation.  Not everything they do comes out great and they are not shy about letting you know.  They are fun to watch.

Check out this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WF84pOixYA

They sear the meat in the end with a device called a sears all, but you can sear it in a pan, on the grill or with a butane torch.

They have dozens of videos and watching a couple will make you want to invest the $80 or $90 for this amazing cooking tool. 

Put a chuck roast in the sous vide Saturday at noon and when you come home from church, pull the roast out, sear it a bit and poof... the best tasting chuck roast you have ever had.  So easy you almost feel like you cheated.

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