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Ok, I'm going to walk around the bushes a bit instead of directly answering your question... here goes:

There are tons of them.  News - BBC, for example, is a major player - push an agenda.  So, it is better to get news from very varied sources.  But then, the internet is so infinity and beyond it is almost impossible to wade through it to find where the reliable news stories are.  So, there's this app called Flipboard (free) that is a news aggregator.   You'll know if the news source is free or not because flipboard will route you to the parent site if the site does not allow you free access or no-log-on access to it.  You can use it to get all kinds of news from varying sources and then whatever you find you have an interest on, you can then use to target internet searches.  So, say you found this news on flipboard, so you want to know more about it, so you run a search on google and one of the results that pops up is from BBC, then you know to read that story with the UK establishment bias on it.  Or if it's a Brietbart story, then you know to read it with the American right-wing/pro-Trump bias on it, or if it's from People's Daily then you know it's got the stamp of approval from the Chinese government.  Or you go to altnernate media - like YouTube - and search on it and an analysis by Styxhexandhammer comes up, then you know it's coming from an American Libertarian point of view or if it's from Young Turks then you know it's an American Progressive point of view, etc. etc.

Make sense?

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