Darren Brown's Miracle - Short Show On Miracles and Belief


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So i wouldn't post this on a separate thread if i didn't think it warranted doing so.  Judge for yourself, of course, but i find this utterly remarkable. 

Attempts to totally redefine just what it means to believe in something - and how what powers the legitimately miraculous doesn't exist outside of ourselves. I'm certain there is nothing exceptional in what *he* does - or even how he does it, but it is truly amazing how the people react - and the indications that perhaps none of us have as thick of a skin as we imagine we do.

 It gets most intriguing towards the end.  Skip to that if you want, though you lose much of the context doing so.  Seriously, worth a watch. 


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52 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

Looks like it's a Netflix show.  Unfortunately I don't have Netflix.

Could you give a summary?


So aside from something that borders on indignation i experience about the physical safety of some of his intermediary acts, and a desire that he'd filtered out some of the language unnecessary to the points he was making, i'd say the two takeaways for me are that beliefs are some of the most powerful sorts of thoughts - and seem to interact with what we call reality in a very real way.  And that interaction was portrayed in a way that isolated it from the religious dogmatism i have such a hard time with.

And then that our brains are much more like giant vats that hold all we've ever read, seen - and that so much of that just roils beneath the surface.  

And then perhaps just how those two things play off one another.

Admittedly, a rather odd summary.

Also, he goes out of his way to mock prosperity gospel tele-evangelism - so if that's an issue for anyone, you really shouldn't watch this.  i hope nobody interprets this as some promotion as atheism.  That, at least, was not at all what i was feeling as it finished.

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