Internet “Anonymity”: I Can’t See Your Face, But I CAN Read Your Comments

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Out there in the seedier end of teh interwebs, there is a thing called crapposting (except they don't use the word crap).  The intent of a crappost is to, well, post crap.  The more divisive, the more objectionable, the merrier.  People have escalation races that move on a scale from 1-10, eventually hitting 10, and then someone turns it up to eleven.  They do it because they find it funny and engaging.  There are groups set up specifically for this purpose, filled with people who love to talk dank crap.  Star Wars Sithposting is one group, Mr. Spock's Dank Meme Stash is another.  There are thousands.  Ten to a hundred for every show and fan group out there.

I get a huge massive kick out of them.  Some of it is brilliant.  Sometimes I'm sad that people put their obviously vast intellects and witty talents to such snarky waste, but oh my heck can it be funny.  

Of course, if you don't get/don't want that sort of thing, it's not fun or wanted at all.  And folks should stay away.  And also folks should want a thick enough skin to not get offended, because, well,



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