On Being Mad at God

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There's something I've been thinking about a lot lately, and while it's not doctrine (so don't quote me on this!), I've come to a conclusion: it's okay to be angry at God. Well, kind of. Here's the thing: God doesn't NEED you to be His friend. He doesn't need you to be happy with Him or to condone His actions. Your permission isn't a requirement for Him, because He is omniscient and has an eternal perspective that we often lack. Because of that — because of our limited, finite understanding — there are going to be times when we don't understand His plan or why He allows certain things to happen. And that lack of understanding (and the frustration it produces) may lead us to feel defeated and angry at God. Recently, I've taken some new steps to get my health (i.e. my very painful stomach problems) under control. It involves a several-month, extremely restrictive doctor-suggested diet and lifestyle change, and it's expensive. Before starting it, I felt so good about it, like...

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I like this very much.  

The author may enjoy a Jewish take here (note:  story is fictional, but encapsulates one Jewish paradigm of understanding and approaching God that is very different than what we’re used to.) 

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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3 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

I like this very much.  

The author may enjoy a Jewish take here (note:  story is fictional, but encapsulates one Jewish paradigm of understanding and approaching God that is very different than what we’re used to.) 

I appreciated the Jewish story you shared. Very good! I had just finished rereading Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search For Meaning” last week so, this story really hit home.

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