Looking for a new journal


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I absolutely love the freedom found in bullet journals, one thing I enjoy doing is planning out my day by the hour. However, it takes time and effort every night to draw out the schedule format with the hours and space enough to write. Which leads me to look for a bullet journal that comes with a built in day planner.

BUT, the next issue I am running into is that all the journals I am finding have a dedicated day planner page followed by 1-3 pages of empty “note” pages. The issue with this is sometimes I take half a page of notes while other times I’ll take 5 pages of notes. This would force me to bleed over to other note pages for other days and have days where there is wasted bullet note pages.

So now I need help.

I am looking for a journal that contains the following features:

- Bullet journal

- subtle scheduling format on every page so I can choose to either use that page for scheduling or for note taking

- Don’t want to be forced to journal according to the journal’s format (the less format the better)

- flame thrower attachment (not a deal breaker if it doesn’t have)


Any suggestions?

Are there good websites to customize journals?

Edited by Fether
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I don't think I've heard of the Bullet Journal idea or thing, but I do get journals off of Deseret Book. 

I'm not sure if they have what you would be looking for, but they have a lot of options.

Journals on Deseret Book

PS: I am not, nor ever have, worked for Deseret Book.  This is not an advertisement by me, it's just me saying where I get journals at and seeing they have a lot of different journals available.

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