I Miss Kyr


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Anyone else miss the Know Your Religion seminars? the wife and I went to them as often as we could, and almost always came away feeling like it was a very worthwhile date. We noticed the attendance falling off the last couple years they put them on, so guess it was a matter of time before "they" ended them. Was that the main reason they were discontinued?

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Anyone else miss the Know Your Religion seminars? the wife and I went to them as often as we could, and almost always came away feeling like it was a very worthwhile date. We noticed the attendance falling off the last couple years they put them on, so guess it was a matter of time before "they" ended them. Was that the main reason they were discontinued?

As far as I know, they or something similar are still available but there has to be enough interest and someone to head it up, invite them to come and make sure there is enouhg participation to pay for it.

Larry P

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Anyone else miss the Know Your Religion seminars? the wife and I went to them as often as we could, and almost always came away feeling like it was a very worthwhile date. We noticed the attendance falling off the last couple years they put them on, so guess it was a matter of time before "they" ended them. Was that the main reason they were discontinued?

Never heard of them. :blink:
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I loved these Know Your Religion talks. They were mostly whereever the Saints were very strong, geographically. Utah, AZ... We'd go on Friday nights to various Stake Centers around the area, where the program was held. It is sad to see it go away.


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Never heard of them. :blink:

Me niether :blink:

Hmm...guess we was special up in Washington state. ;) They were like an hour and a half long or so, and featured various speakers from all over, speaking on various gospel topics. You'd get BYU prof's, regional reps, whatever. They were once a month, from something like October thru April or May. I'm thinking they were an offshoot of BYU Education week. You had to pay to get in, but wasn't that much, like $5 a person, unless you got season passes, which worked out to something like $3 a person. It came to a stop, oh, 4 or 5 years ago I think.

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Hmm...guess we was special up in Washington state. ;) They were like an hour and a half long or so, and featured various speakers from all over, speaking on various gospel topics. You'd get BYU prof's, regional reps, whatever. They were once a month, from something like October thru April or May. I'm thinking they were an offshoot of BYU Education week. You had to pay to get in, but wasn't that much, like $5 a person, unless you got season passes, which worked out to something like $3 a person. It came to a stop, oh, 4 or 5 years ago I think.

sounds like something I would have enjoyed...why did they desist?
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