
Guest tomk

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Guest moreholinessgiveme

Hello, my name is Tom. I live in Utah with my wife and 3 children. Member of LDS Church since age 8. Inactive for about 10 years. Came back a few years ago.

I've discovered that, oddly, you can spend a long time professing to know Christ, without such ever having actually been the case. I consider myself to have been one of those people. He's helping me to change that now.

Some personal interests of mine:

Reading and writing on religious topics.



Computer Programming

Writing Computer Games

Japanese board game of "go"

Anything nerdy / geeky / kewl.

When I watch TV it is usually the Science Channel or Discovery Channel-type stuff.

I believe it really is okay not to have all the answers, especially when it comes to religion. My faith is in Christ, not in how much I know about some bit of trivia. We are fallen men and women, trying to make sense of a fallen world using fallen intellects. How dare we presume to "know" ANYTHING? I believe the Light of Christ is crucial to making our way through mortality. The Still Small Voice. His Voice.

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Hello, my name is Tom. I live in Utah with my wife and 3 children. Member of LDS Church since age 8. Inactive for about 10 years. Came back a few years ago.

Welcome! Look forward to your participation.

I believe it really is okay not to have all the answers, especially when it comes to religion. My faith is in Christ, not in how much I know about some bit of trivia. We are fallen men and women, trying to make sense of a fallen world using fallen intellects. How dare we presume to "know" ANYTHING? I believe the Light of Christ is crucial to making our way through mortality. The Still Small Voice. His Voice.

Your excellent comment reminds me of a favorite quote:

"Living with ambiguity is a form of intellectual honesty, of

humility. It is only when we admit that we don't know that we

are receptive to what lessons may be taught. In some strange

way, it also brings an inner peace since we are no longer

fighting reality to maintain our inner fantasies on how things

should be. While I am characterizing it as an intellectual

process, it also has spiritual implications, since only an open

mind is capable of hearing God."

-- Andy Piereder


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Guest moreholinessgiveme

Welcome to the group. What kind of computer language(s) do you write in? I've done a little bit in C and ASP but mostly VB.

I've written applications in Delphi, Visual C++, VB6, Microsoft Access (VBA), and more recently in .NET (C#).

What got me interested in computer programming was the creativity involved. And the promise of pizza slid under the door late at night.

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Guest moreholinessgiveme

Welcome! Look forward to your participation.

Your excellent comment reminds me of a favorite quote:

"Living with ambiguity is a form of intellectual honesty, of

humility. It is only when we admit that we don't know that we

are receptive to what lessons may be taught. In some strange

way, it also brings an inner peace since we are no longer

fighting reality to maintain our inner fantasies on how things

should be. While I am characterizing it as an intellectual

process, it also has spiritual implications, since only an open

mind is capable of hearing God."

-- Andy Piereder


I enjoyed your quote, and I agree with it.

I think it's laughable when people assert that, because there is no detectable or measurable proof, that this means there is no answer. That is the height of hubris, and to me, it is PROOF that we really ARE so lost without the Lord to guide us!

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Guest moreholinessgiveme

Welcome Welcome! I too like anything nerdy/geek and/or kewl. (is that some radical new way to spell cool?)

What part of Utah do you hail from?

kewl - Something that is beyond cool, such that it merits its own unusual spelling.

Skewl - Where I lernt me some stuff growing-up.

Right now I live in Eagle Mountain, about 7 miles west of Lehi, UT.

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Right now I live in Eagle Mountain, about 7 miles west of Lehi, UT.

When I first read this, my first reaction was remembering the scene early in the "Hot Shots" movie, where it is discovered that nearly everyone in the squadron attended Summer Camp at "Eagle River".

I either need to watch more movies or fewer- I'm not sure.

Welcome aboard MHGM!

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Guest moreholinessgiveme

When I first read this, my first reaction was remembering the scene early in the "Hot Shots" movie, where it is discovered that nearly everyone in the squadron attended Summer Camp at "Eagle River".

I either need to watch more movies or fewer- I'm not sure.

Welcome aboard MHGM!

Thanks, Selek.

What's funny is, nobody I've talked to has any idea why it's called "Eagle Mountain". Nothing in the area looks like one, nor have I seen any flying about. Maybe whoever it was just thought it would sound KEWL.

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Thanks, Selek.

What's funny is, nobody I've talked to has any idea why it's called "Eagle Mountain". Nothing in the area looks like one, nor have I seen any flying about. Maybe whoever it was just thought it would sound KEWL.

I'm trying to come up with some witty response as to why it's called Eagle Mountain...but I can't think of anything. There really is no good reason for the place to be called that. My husband's cousin has a pizza place and lives out there, though...so I know just where it is. :)

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Thanks, Selek.

What's funny is, nobody I've talked to has any idea why it's called "Eagle Mountain". Nothing in the area looks like one, nor have I seen any flying about. Maybe whoever it was just thought it would sound KEWL.

I've seen a number of hawks and eagles here on the west side of SLC, so maybe it's a seasonable or territorial thing (and they'll be be back).

Of course, it could be similiar to something I read in an old Sports Illustrated article on fox hunting in California (they actually hunt coyotes), in which the author commented on how the tree-less highlands were all dotted with housing developments named with endless combinations and variations of "Oak", "Tree", and "Wood". :blink:

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Guest moreholinessgiveme

I'm trying to come up with some witty response as to why it's called Eagle Mountain...but I can't think of anything. There really is no good reason for the place to be called that. My husband's cousin has a pizza place and lives out there, though...so I know just where it is. :)

We've eaten at that pizza place. Not bad pizza!

I've seen a number of hawks and eagles here on the west side of SLC, so maybe it's a seasonable or territorial thing (and they'll be be back).Of course, it could be similiar to something I read in an old Sports Illustrated article on fox hunting in California (they actually hunt coyotes), in which the author commented on how the tree-less highlands were all dotted with housing developments named with endless combinations and variations of "Oak", "Tree", and "Wood". :blink:

It's become a cliche.
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