Suggested Reading List


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I'm wondering if there is anyone who can give me a suggested reading list for someone who has been a practicing, scripture studying, faithful, and relatively knowledgable member of the LDS church? I'm beginning to purchase books for my personal library, and am a lover of authors such as Hugh Nibley, the Yorgason brothers, Orson Scott Card (fiction, of course)...hopefully this gives an idea of the level and type of books I'm interested in learning about and adding to my library. Thank you!

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Guest moreholinessgiveme

I'm wondering if there is anyone who can give me a suggested reading list for someone who has been a practicing, scripture studying, faithful, and relatively knowledgable member of the LDS church? I'm beginning to purchase books for my personal library, and am a lover of authors such as Hugh Nibley, the Yorgason brothers, Orson Scott Card (fiction, of course)...hopefully this gives an idea of the level and type of books I'm interested in learning about and adding to my library. Thank you!

Here are some links to some books that I have read cover-to-cover several times. I say this not to brag, but to assure you that I feel the content of these books are relevant to your question and will positively and constructively contribute to your search for more knowledge.

"The Second Comforter: Conversing with The Lord Through the Veil" by Denver C. Snuffer, Jr.


This book was written by a lay member of the Church who claims to have seen the resurrected Lord in person! I believe he has. It is the most thorough and comprehensive treatment of how to receive the Second Comforter that I have seen to date.

"Following the Light of Christ into His Presence" by John M. Pontius


In my opinion, carefully applying the contents of this book will lead you to a Spiritual Rebirth, at a minimum.

"Obtaining Your Calling & Election" by Kevan Kingsley Clawson and Terri Hopkins Clawson


A startling revelation about the connection between Faith, Hope and Charity, and how they tie-into receiving your Calling & Election (and beyond).

"The Atonement of Jesus Christ" by Kevan Kingsley Clawson


Provides an intriguing new look at the nature of the Atonement. A must read for those who seek to understand how the Atonement functions in their lives!

Noteworthy Ensign articles on

"He Lives! For We Saw Him" by Ivan J. Barrett

"Accepted of the Lord: The Doctrine of Making Your Calling and Election Sure" by Roy W. Doxey

"Ten Blessings of the Priesthood (see Blessing Ten)" by Elder Bruce R. McConkie

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I'm wondering if there is anyone who can give me a suggested reading list for someone who has been a practicing, scripture studying, faithful, and relatively knowledgable member of the LDS church? I'm beginning to purchase books for my personal library, and am a lover of authors such as Hugh Nibley, the Yorgason brothers, Orson Scott Card (fiction, of course)...hopefully this gives an idea of the level and type of books I'm interested in learning about and adding to my library. Thank you!

I love the track your on. It can lead to extraordinary things.

For me, I deeply contemplate the Book of Mormon, then I pick a subject, and search the Book of Mormon for any information on that subject.

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Books that I have enjoyed.

The Great Angel: A study of Israel's Second God.

The Triumph of Elohim: From Yahwahisms to Judaisms - Edited by Diana Vikander Edelman

God Against the Gods: The History of the War between Monotheism and Polytheism by Jonathan Kirsch

Classic Christian Theology and Sermons:

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Sermon given by Johnathan Edwards).

The Pilgrim's Progress (Very good classic literature) by John Bunyan

The Parausia: A study of the Coming of Christ by James Stuart Russell (I think that is the title - a very good historical perspective on a forgotten doctrine of Christianity).

The Last Days according to Jesus - R.C. Sproul (Reformed Theologian).

Bondage of the will - Martin Luther.

City of God by St. Augustine

The Mutulation of Mark's Gospel by N. Clayton Croy.

The New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration by Bruce Metzger (one of the best Biblical Scholars pertaining to New Testament Studies - and if you are wanting to, acquire the Greek New Testament with the Textual Variants to the Greek New Testament - It is all greek with all the textual variants in a companion volume)

I hope this helps.

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Thank you all for the ideas...actually some of these books I already own, and some are exactly along the line I've been pondering...And agreed, JohnBSociety that the Book of Mormon (and indeed any of the scriptures) are incredible resources. I also love to read and ponder them and have not found a lack of information in the Lord's word. I'll be keeping this list, and adding to it...and trying to purchase a few books every month. Thanks again! ;)

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Thank you all for the ideas...actually some of these books I already own, and some are exactly along the line I've been pondering...And agreed, JohnBSociety that the Book of Mormon (and indeed any of the scriptures) are incredible resources. I also love to read and ponder them and have not found a lack of information in the Lord's word. I'll be keeping this list, and adding to it...and trying to purchase a few books every month. Thanks again! ;)

All of Hugh Nibleys books are excellent...Also Trumen Madsens book about Joseph Smith...Mormon Doctrine of Diety by B.H. Roberts. Allegory of the Olive Tree...collection of essays put out by F.A.R.M.S.....anything published by FARMS or the Maxwell Institute as it is called now...You could get The LDS Infobase on disk and have literally hundreds of books at your fingertips...but we all like the smell of a good book...

Or if your a real fanatic you could read the scriptures...haha...that is what I have been focusing on lately without any kind of commentaries...has been great...

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All of Hugh Nibleys books are excellent...Also Trumen Madsens book about Joseph Smith...Mormon Doctrine of Diety by B.H. Roberts. Allegory of the Olive Tree...collection of essays put out by F.A.R.M.S.....anything published by FARMS or the Maxwell Institute as it is called now...You could get The LDS Infobase on disk and have literally hundreds of books at your fingertips...but we all like the smell of a good book...

Or if your a real fanatic you could read the scriptures...haha...that is what I have been focusing on lately without any kind of commentaries...has been great...

Very helpful...where would I find the LDS Infobase? I used to have Gospellink disk, but it kept crashing my computer so I gave it up and haven't been willing to pay the monthly fee for the online subscription for that database currently required. Thanks.

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Very helpful...where would I find the LDS Infobase? I used to have Gospellink disk, but it kept crashing my computer so I gave it up and haven't been willing to pay the monthly fee for the online subscription for that database currently required. Thanks.

Infobase is a disk set you can purchase at an LDS bookstore or you can probably purchase it online...there are a couple different versions I believe under different names...the current Infobase has 3,600 titles...not all LDS of course...

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Infobase is a disk set you can purchase at an LDS bookstore or you can probably purchase it online...there are a couple different versions I believe under different names...the current Infobase has 3,600 titles...not all LDS of course...

Unfortunately, this program and Gospelink are both very buggy. Better to use Gospelink online.

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