A Proper Testimony!


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Today with Elder Pond and Elder Ricks we were discussing some of the commandments and we got off on the subject of faith testimony and conviction. I was upset because so many people had a testimony to share at the Sacrament meeting today and I was wishing for their conviction. The Elders began to ask me questions about different levels of faith. I told them that I am beyond hoping that the LDS teachings are true, I believe everything that I am told by the members of the church that is doctrine I also believe what I read in the Book of Mormon to be true. I than proceeded to explain how this is the first time in my life that I have ever felt a reason to talk to any one about faith and teachings in their church and not count ceiling tiles or panels on the wall or any thing else to take my mind off of the teacher. I feel compelled to listen and to go to the meetings. Then Elder Ricks said thank you for sharing your testimony.(I am having trouble writing this because the tears are flowing). I was so surprised that I had just given it without realizing it. I than went to watch the devotional at the branch(TV is rare out here where I live). I was so moved and I am so blessed to have been able to see and hear the profit and the people of the presidency and I wont forget the choir! I had to tell someone how wonderful it made me feel to have this day!

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Today with Elder Pond and Elder Ricks we were discussing some of the commandments and we got off on the subject of faith testimony and conviction. I was upset because so many people had a testimony to share at the Sacrament meeting today and I was wishing for their conviction. The Elders began to ask me questions about different levels of faith. I told them that I am beyond hoping that the LDS teachings are true, I believe everything that I am told by the members of the church that is doctrine I also believe what I read in the Book of Mormon to be true. I than proceeded to explain how this is the first time in my life that I have ever felt a reason to talk to any one about faith and teachings in their church and not count ceiling tiles or panels on the wall or any thing else to take my mind off of the teacher. I feel compelled to listen and to go to the meetings. Then Elder Ricks said thank you for sharing your testimony.(I am having trouble writing this because the tears are flowing). I was so surprised that I had just given it without realizing it. I than went to watch the devotional at the branch(TV is rare out here where I live). I was so moved and I am so blessed to have been able to see and hear the profit and the people of the presidency and I wont forget the choir! I had to tell someone how wonderful it made me feel to have this day!

That's beautiful! I think that is one of the reasons Heavenly Father wants us to get up and share our testimonies....verbalizing them helps us to know what we really feel inside. Sometimes we have a hard time putting into words all we feel, but the spirit helps with that.


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Cherisalorraine, thanks for posting your comments. I am so glad you are finding spiritual food for your soul.

I usually bear my testimony when I am able to attend my Fast & Testimony meeting, because normally speaking I usually can't be there for it. So today, I knew that I probably wouldn't be able to bear my testimony for a long time to come (possibly 2009) and I kinda thought that once again, I should share my testimony. Yet, I enjoyed the other member's testimonies so much that I made the conscious decision to not bear my own, since I didn't feel compelled to do so by the spirit. It was most rewarding, as I listened to the testimonies of my neighbors and fellow Saints. I will miss those testimonies this coming year.


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I am glad that every one has had a good meeting experience today! I am finding more and more faith everyday and I will never forget my first testimony even though I didn't share it at the meeting I did share it with the three people who brought LDS to me! Oh and that was the first time that I ever watched the BYU station tonight when it came on! Things just keep getting better.

Why will you not be able to testify until 2009? That is a long time!

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I am glad that every one has had a good meeting experience today! I am finding more and more faith everyday and I will never forget my first testimony even though I didn't share it at the meeting I did share it with the three people who brought LDS to me! Oh and that was the first time that I ever watched the BYU station tonight when it came on! Things just keep getting better.

Why will you not be able to testify until 2009? That is a long time!

My Church meetings will start at 9:00 next year. I am a Church service missionary, and my Church calling requires that I be in Salt Lake City (20 miles away) until 10:00am or sometimes 11:00am every Sunday. So every other year, I miss all but about 30 minutes of Priesthood meeting. (Every other year because we have two wards in my building). Next year is my "inactive" year. This year was my "inactive" year until October, due to our Ward changing buildings. So I have been able to attend most of my meetings last month and this month.

I am sad, for I truly enjoy our Sunday meetings.


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At least you are missing the meetings for a good reason! You were given a calling that would make some people very sad because they would not be able to attend. One of my missionaries was telling me about when he had to mis a month of meetings in a row and he said that it was the worst month of his life because he could not be there to feel the love of Heavenly Father and was unable to take sacrament or testify. I wish you all the best and I hope that you can still find time to make it to some meetings even if it is only 30 minutes of priesthood!

We were told that we would be better off not going in to watch the devotional last night because of the weather here but we said what is a little rain? So we loaded up the kids and went to the branch and found out that the rain=flooding in the parking lot! We had to carry the kids through the water to the door. We were the only people who showed up there also;but it was worth it for me to see the Prophet live for the first time!

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I hear ya. They just cancelled school here due to weather conditions getting worse. 40-50 mph winds and snowing. Ahahah winter rears it's ugly head.

I'm glad to hear of all the good things going on in your life right now. Even with the flooded parking area.You made it there and home again so it must have been good.


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It was good and thank you for being happy for me! I never realized that wonderful things could happen by doing something so good for myself! I always thought that I would need to be rich or something but all i have to do is give my heart away and I will be loved. I am truly blessed to have been introduced to LDS.

I hope your weather doesnt get bad enough to become a problem for you!

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My Church meetings will start at 9:00 next year. I am a Church service missionary, and my Church calling requires that I be in Salt Lake City (20 miles away) until 10:00am or sometimes 11:00am every Sunday. So every other year, I miss all but about 30 minutes of Priesthood meeting. (Every other year because we have two wards in my building). Next year is my "inactive" year. This year was my "inactive" year until October, due to our Ward changing buildings. So I have been able to attend most of my meetings last month and this month.

I am sad, for I truly enjoy our Sunday meetings.


Why then cannott you be a "visitor" in another ward? thats what me and my wife do whenever we are not at home ward. Its better to do it this way than not at all. even if it means for a year. :mellow:

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Today with Elder Pond and Elder Ricks we were discussing some of the commandments and we got off on the subject of faith testimony and conviction. I was upset because so many people had a testimony to share at the Sacrament meeting today and I was wishing for their conviction. The Elders began to ask me questions about different levels of faith. I told them that I am beyond hoping that the LDS teachings are true, I believe everything that I am told by the members of the church that is doctrine I also believe what I read in the Book of Mormon to be true. I than proceeded to explain how this is the first time in my life that I have ever felt a reason to talk to any one about faith and teachings in their church and not count ceiling tiles or panels on the wall or any thing else to take my mind off of the teacher. I feel compelled to listen and to go to the meetings. Then Elder Ricks said thank you for sharing your testimony.(I am having trouble writing this because the tears are flowing). I was so surprised that I had just given it without realizing it. I than went to watch the devotional at the branch(TV is rare out here where I live). I was so moved and I am so blessed to have been able to see and hear the profit and the people of the presidency and I wont forget the choir! I had to tell someone how wonderful it made me feel to have this day!

Wow sounds as if you had better be carefull with that , i think yer getting addicted! {and isnt it wonderfull ?}.


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I didn't make it in this week due to the weather. We got about a foot of snow in Fargo and after I got of work Saturday I couldn't even make it home. It was late in the evening on Sunday before I was able to make it back to my house, which is about 20 miles out of town. I stayed at a friend's house for Saturday night but was so glad to be home on Sunday evening. We're getting more show right now. Another 6 inches is expected to drop today.

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Why then cannott you be a "visitor" in another ward? thats what me and my wife do whenever we are not at home ward. Its better to do it this way than not at all. even if it means for a year. :mellow:

Yes, I pop into another ward to take the Sacrament, and then after the Sacrament I slip out & go to my HP Group. We have an old-folks home in the Stake too, that sometimes I go to because they are the ONLY unit in our Stake to meet after 12:00 noon.


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When the winter sets in here in the Pacific Northwest (incidentally, starting Sunday afternoon our winds here on the central Oregon coast in general, and my little Lincoln City in particular started howling, eventually reaching 80 mph sustained and gusts up to 125 mph... but we made it through), the Adversary starts working on me to stay home from Church and just snuggle down. So week before last I gave in and I stayed home... well, I felt empty all day. I missed the sacrament. I missed the love and fellowship of my ward. I missed the Spirit that is so prevalent there. I missed worshipping with my fellow LDS.

The next week started again with "why don't you stay home... it's cold..." I just laughed and got up and went out and had wonderful meetings and felt the Spirit so strongly. I told my friend about staying home the previous week and so when the Adversary started in I just remembered how empy I felt and said to myself...I don't have to think about that...been there, done that... and it was terrible, and I felt it all week...

Garden Girl

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I have been going to the meetings and meeting with the missionaries but I want to do something every day and I keep driving my neighbor crazy because I want to learn and grow and she is wishing for more meetings just to get rid of me lol( she is a very nice person and goes out of her way to teach me) but the weather is bad here also we have a snow emergency and everything. but here in ohio the emergency thing happens all winter

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