Missionary Implications Of Romney's Speech


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Before I go into this indepth, I have asked the moderators if this was allowed. I am not here to discuss politics. I don't want to see this thread disolve into a political discussion. However, I think this event could be very beneficial if we use it wisely.

In case you dont know. Mitt Romney is planning to do a speech on Mormonism this Thursday. I think this has more than just implications for Romney's campaign. It has implications for the Church in the United States. I say this because there will be tons of media exposure on this. And I know the Church's enemies will be jumping on top of anything Romney says.

However, because of the media exposure we will also have a major opportunity to share the Gospel. And I think it would be a good idea to be prepared to talk to people about principles of the Gospel.

I believe that when the Gospel is explained in plainess that there is nothing to be ashamed of. So I think the first thing we need to be prepared to do is pray that, regardless what happens to Romney's campaign, that this speech can come off well for the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because whether you like Romney or not, what he says can and probably will have some implications on the Church. So I think we need to be praying it comes off well. (Keep in mind I would hope that if i was in a position to give a speech on my faith that I would have people praying that I would make the Church look good because of me. I know id be praying for it).

Second, I think this would be an excellent opportunity to prepare for Elder Ballard's talk from Conference.


Anyone else have any ideas in which we can use this media publicity to help the Church?

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Before I go into this indepth, I have asked the moderators if this was allowed. I am not here to discuss politics. I don't want to see this thread disolve into a political discussion. However, I think this event could be very beneficial if we use it wisely.

In case you dont know. Mitt Romney is planning to do a speech on Mormonism this Thursday. I think this has more than just implications for Romney's campaign. It has implications for the Church in the United States. I say this because there will be tons of media exposure on this. And I know the Church's enemies will be jumping on top of anything Romney says.

However, because of the media exposure we will also have a major opportunity to share the Gospel. And I think it would be a good idea to be prepared to talk to people about principles of the Gospel.

I believe that when the Gospel is explained in plainess that there is nothing to be ashamed of. So I think the first thing we need to be prepared to do is pray that, regardless what happens to Romney's campaign, that this speech can come off well for the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because whether you like Romney or not, what he says can and probably will have some implications on the Church. So I think we need to be praying it comes off well. (Keep in mind I would hope that if i was in a position to give a speech on my faith that I would have people praying that I would make the Church look good because of me. I know id be praying for it).

Second, I think this would be an excellent opportunity to prepare for Elder Ballard's talk from Conference.


Anyone else have any ideas in which we can use this media publicity to help the Church?

I wanted to wait until I heard what Mitt had to say before responding to your post. And now after just hearing it I am to emotional to speak. Just one word about his talk. WOW!

I think Mitt has jumped a huge hurtle this morning. :D

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I for one think he did wonderfully... I watched on MSMBC and Chris Matthews, who I usually do not care for, was very positive in his assessment of Romney's talk... the talk wasn't about "Mormonism" per se, but the right to and importance of religious freedom in American history and culture, and how we should be able to worship as we please and not have to pass a religious "test" when running for public office. It was about the constituional guarantee of religious freedom and how the founding fathers put these principles in the constitution, etc., etc.

He did say that some people have suggested that he should distance himself from Mormonism and downplay his faith... he stated emphatically that he would not do so... that he believed in his faith, but that if Pres he would not serve any one faith or group because he would need the prayers of all...

It was great... and will present many an opportunity for members to answer questions of people who want to more about the faith...

The Garden Girl

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Some of my favorite excerpts...

"There is one fundamental question about which I often am asked. What do I believe about Jesus Christ? I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. My church's beliefs about Christ may not all be the same as those of other faiths. Each religion has its own unique doctrines and history. These are not bases for criticism but rather a test of our tolerance. Religious tolerance would be a shallow principle indeed if it were reserved only for faiths with which we agree."

If elected, Romney vowed that, he will "take care to separate the affairs of government from any religion, but I will not separate us from 'the God who gave us liberty.'"

Romney also said no LDS Church leader or of any church "will ever exert influence on presidential decisions," should he be elected, and took on those critics who say he would be better off to disavow his faith as a way to win the White House.

"That I will not do," Romney said. "I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it. My faith is the faith of my fathers - I will be true to them and to my beliefs."

"Some believe that such a confession of my faith will sink my candidacy," Romney continued. "If they are right, so be it."

You may read the entire text of his speech here...

Romneys Speech, "Faith in America"

I think that WHAT is important, to note regarding THIS SPEECH, is that it WAS political, and that... is precisely, what it was intended to be. In my opinion, the speech was to draw a very clear line in the fact, that ALL Americans have a right to their beliefs, and should be respected. He made very strong statements in regards to the fact that this country was built on faith and God, and that we could build more faith as a country through the very religious tolerance of which this country was originally founded... Freedom.

From a religious aspect then, I feel that Romney has set a wonderful example of exactly HOW we ALL must come together and receive all the good from each other... and offer the MORE GOOD, that we feel we have to offer.

In this way, everyone is on the team, and I believe that if all were seeking for the best way... then TRUTH, or the RIGHT candidate would naturally lift itself to the top and it's light could easily shine and be seen... thus followed.

No matter what happens, as avatar4321-blastoff :P has said, I feel that we can all stand proudly in the great principles that we are taught, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, and be grateful that one amongst us, has set such a good example, and in doing so, it will enable the rest of us TO DO MORE GOOD. ;)

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I am very happy about how the Speech turned out. My only less than positive thoughts are that he could easily have pointed to the scriptures about upholding to Constitution or quoting Joseph Smith about defending the rights of any faith to practice as they believe to show that it's clearly it's our faith that would demand that he uphold the Constitution and the liberty of all people.

However, he still did incredibly well. I wasnt sure what to expect and i feel completely good about the speech.

The topic specifically though is the missionary implications. I read over at MA&D that maklelan says that the MTC referral center was flooded with calls afterwards. And I am willing to bet there are people in our lives that we can reach out to and answer more questions about the Church and invite the missionaries to teach. Keep a look out for them.

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Mormonism is number 5 on yahoo search right now. I think this is probably in response to Mitt's speech.

Unfortunately you get antimormon sites until number 13 and 18.

My suggestion is the more people that look up mormonism and skip all the others and go to the official sites will bump the official sites.

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