Are Non Lds "christians" Christian?

Guest Delmar

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I have thought through at one time, or another all the Evangelical objection's to Mormonism. If i shared these same objections i would not think myself or LDS as being Christian. Before getting baptized community of Christ i read two book's and a stack of tracts critical of my church. Coming from an LDS background I read many more Evangelical books more specifically geared towards them. Reading such books and tracts have only made me symphatetic towards keeping my beliefs.

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The thing is, if someone claims to be a Christian, then you can't go judging them and calling them a liar. They at least are professing belief in Christ and a desire to follow him, even if you think they're not doing a good job of it. We really shouldn't be in the business of judging who is truly Christian and who isn't.

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This is not a debate board. If you have come to argue with Mormons, this is not the place for you. We do welcome sincere questions and discussion.


Can I assume it is OK, to ask questions about charges others have leveled against LDS, as long as I do it in a respectful manor?
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The thing is, if someone claims to be a Christian, then you can't go judging them and calling them a liar. They at least are professing belief in Christ and a desire to follow him, even if you think they're not doing a good job of it. We really shouldn't be in the business of judging who is truly Christian and who isn't.

So what was Paul saying in 2 Corinthians 11

3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity[a] that is in Christ. 4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!

What is the line in doctrinal differences that would cause you to believe that someone is preaching "another Jesus"?

Edit: Also, is it true that Joseph Smith attacked (all other) "Christian churches" and said they were all an abomination?

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Yeah, that's why I was trying to clarify that there is more to Christianity than simply professing that you believe it. There is indeed a whole lot more to it.

I'm sure there are people who aren't true Christians in every denomination of Christianity.

Who are we to Judge how Christian someone is? I believe that is up to the Father and the Son to decide. Those that do are trying to take away the Divinity and Calling of Jesus as our judge.

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Also, is it true that Joseph Smith attacked (all other) "Christian churches" and said they were all an abomination?

Joseph said nothing of the sort. Heavenly Father did here is the quote.

I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”

The bold part is emphasis on my part. It kinda goes with my post above that those that go around trying to condemn people are denying Gods power to Judge us solely.

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Also, is it true that Joseph Smith attacked (all other) "Christian churches" and said they were all an abomination?

No. Look at the actual quote (which QuorumPrez thoughtfully provided). Joseph relayed Heavenly Father's words that the churches of the day were all wrong, but it was the creeds which were an abomination, not the churchs themselves.

God will always accept the sincere offering of a broken and contrite heart, and will count it towards righteousness......regardless of the denomination in question. None of us- from the lowliest supplicant to the most ardent and articulate leader, has anything more than a widow's mite to offer. So long as that offering is done in humility and sincerity, Christ will accept our offering as though it were the kingdom itself.

As a general rule, Latter-day Saints are willing to take professions of Christian belief and efforts to live a Christ-like life at face value. Unless the fruits of that effort are blatantly evil (such as the Westboro Baptists) we are content to follow our articles of faith and allow you to worship who, what, and where you will without condemnation or judgement.

On the other hand, even the Bible promises us that not everyone who cries, "Lord, Lord" will be saved. There are those who know and follow Christ, and then those who merely coopt his name for their own agenda. "Did we not do miracles in thy name?"

Can I assume it is OK, to ask questions about charges others have leveled against LDS, as long as I do it in a respectful manor?

Yes. We welcome honest and respectful inquiry- but argumentative accusation, devious innuendo, and slander (not that you've trodden that line) is verboten.

"Five is right out!"

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I was listening to Glenn Beck from yesterday's show and he was ranting about Mike Huckabee saying that Mormons are not "Christian enough". It got me wondering. Do most Mormons consider non Mormon "Christians" to be Christian?


"It is not for us to say who, in the deepest sense, is or is not

close to the spirit of Christ. We do not see into men's hearts. We

cannot judge, and are indeed forbidden to judge. It would be wicked

arrogance for us to say that a man is, or is not, a Christian in this

refined sense." (Mere Christianity, Touchstone, 1996, pp. 10-11.)

-- C. S. Lewis


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Guest Seraphim

Can I assume it is OK, to ask questions about charges others have leveled against LDS, as long as I do it in a respectful manor?

This is a good place to ask respectful questions about the church. Please keep it respectful.


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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
No. But telling someone they are not Christian despite the fact that they strongly profess Christ as their Savior is bigotry.

What is a Christian? Someone who professes to follow Jesus.

Ok let's get back to what drew said!

Can we see that this statement is not quite correct?

The statement is correct, taken as a whole. If you detach the last sentence from the rest it is incomplete. A person who strongly professes Christ as their Savior is a Christian. Satan would never do that. To say a person isn't Christian because you disagree with some aspects of their theology is bigotry. It is saying "you have to be exactly what I am and believe exactly what I believe to be a Christian."

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Why wouldn't a person who follows Jesus believe He is risen from the dead?

That is a great question! Sadly there are, in fact, a number of "Christian" churches who are tolerating that exact teaching from the pulpit. I'm not kidding!
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That is a great question! Sadly there are, in fact, a number of "Christian" churches who are tolerating that exact teaching from the pulpit. I'm not kidding!

Some liberal theologians have in fact been teaching such things for a long time. Even they, in a sense, are "Christians" in the dictionary sense, since they at least profess some belief in Jesus' teachings and life. It's not for me to start saying that they're not Christian, even if I think they are clearly wrong in some of their beliefs.

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Who are we to Judge how Christian someone is? I believe that is up to the Father and the Son to decide. Those that do are trying to take away the Divinity and Calling of Jesus as our judge.

I wasn't saying that I believe it's right to judge how Christian someone is. I don't know whether or not a person lives the Gospel or not, so how can I tell an individual they're not a Christian? All I was saying is that there is more to it than claiming it. Just because someone says they are, doesn't mean they are. I don't personally know who is and who isn't, but I do know that it's very common for families to make their teenagers go to church and call themselves Christians, when in reality, the teenager might not care about it at all. And it's also quite easy for a person to put "Christian" on their Myspace or Facebook, and then in their interests you see more about sex, drugs and alcohol than you see about Jesus Christ or the Gospel. I believe that a true Christian will follow Christ's teachings no matter what. If a person loves Christ, why wouldn't they want to do what's right? But it's not like I pick out people and think about who is Christian and who isn't. I just know what I believe a Christian is.
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I wasn't saying that I believe it's right to judge how Christian someone is. I don't know whether or not a person lives the Gospel or not, so how can I tell an individual they're not a Christian? All I was saying is that there is more to it than claiming it. Just because someone says they are, doesn't mean they are. I don't personally know who is and who isn't, but I do know that it's very common for families to make their teenagers go to church and call themselves Christians, when in reality, the teenager might not care about it at all. And it's also quite easy for a person to put "Christian" on their Myspace or Facebook, and then in their interests you see more about sex, drugs and alcohol than you see about Jesus Christ or the Gospel. I believe that a true Christian will follow Christ's teachings no matter what. If a person loves Christ, why wouldn't they want to do what's right? But it's not like I pick out people and think about who is Christian and who isn't. I just know what I believe a Christian is.

I agree with your overall sentiments. Some people, however, believe LDS aren't Christian because we don't believe in the Nicene Creed. Sad, isn't it?

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I wasn't saying that I believe it's right to judge how Christian someone is. I don't know whether or not a person lives the Gospel or not, so how can I tell an individual they're not a Christian? All I was saying is that there is more to it than claiming it. Just because someone says they are, doesn't mean they are. I don't personally know who is and who isn't, but I do know that it's very common for families to make their teenagers go to church and call themselves Christians, when in reality, the teenager might not care about it at all. And it's also quite easy for a person to put "Christian" on their Myspace or Facebook, and then in their interests you see more about sex, drugs and alcohol than you see about Jesus Christ or the Gospel. I believe that a true Christian will follow Christ's teachings no matter what. If a person loves Christ, why wouldn't they want to do what's right? But it's not like I pick out people and think about who is Christian and who isn't. I just know what I believe a Christian is.

I, for one would be quite comfortable saying that if a person does not believe that Jesus is risen from the dead, he has no business calling himself a Christian.
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Also, is it true that Joseph Smith attacked (all other) "Christian churches" and said they were all an abomination?

Joseph said nothing of the sort. Heavenly Father did here is the quote.

I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”

The bold part is emphasis on my part. It kinda goes with my post above that those that go around trying to condemn people are denying Gods power to Judge us solely.

Bump Delmar can you please comment on this. You put it out there and I would be interested to know how you feel with the answer given.

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I've never met a Methodist who didn't believe in the resurrection.

Are you certain you would know?

Here in Alabama, most people are either Methodist or Baptist. I've also never met a member of a United Methodist church who didn't believe in the resurrection.

For them, if they don't have the resurrection to believe in, what else is left for them? Evangelists have to believe in the resurrection or they have absolutely no steam for their beliefs. It would be very depressing to think that He wasn't resurrected, wouldn't you agree? What would be the point of them even going to a Christian church if the Christian belief wasn't even there? Without the resurrection, how would someone believe he was the Christ? And without believing He was the Christ, how would they believe they had salvation? And without believing that they could be saved....... Now what a terrible thought THAT is. I mean, we ARE talking about a church who believes that without knowing Christ is your Lord and Savior, you'll suffer hellfire for all eternity.

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