Are There Any Rm's Out There(return Missionaries)?


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Some guy posted this web site on the internet.( )Check it out. Sure I remembered my mission and the lds4u missionary rules has its no duh kind of response to it but others kinda made me scratch my head and question it further. Why? We had missionaries in the field play sports many in fact. True that they couldn't devote their time to practice with a team or anything like that. What's this thing that the sisters couldn't wear long dresses or skirts? How do you expect them to ride their bikes without getting the fabric in the chain? No duh on the cut to the knee though. I didn't read all of it I got to a certain point and then couldn't read it any more too stupid. I was told by my mission president that if i had any problems with the rules to talk to him about it and we can work it out and we did. Your thoughts on the above web site.

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I read a couple of the missionary pages so far- the poor guy sounds like he had some bad experiences. Do you know anything about the author? A lot of what I read so far is about his negative experiences, reasons, and objectives for going on a mission. Kind of depressing. I like this site a lot more. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am looking for web sites for returned missionaries. You got any?

HEY, Blackcat, I am registered with this one and like it. I have been contacted by some of my old missionary friends from this site. In fact, one of my investigators that we baptized contacted me through this site. It is very well done. There is a link to it on this site - Click here Mormon Links to get there. It is a great place to register then look for missionaries you have known.

Missionaries from missions all over world register to contact other missionaries, or be contacted by missionaries or contacts from their Missions.

Or go to

I hope that helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some guy posted this web site on the internet.( The Investigator's Guide to The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints )Check it out. Sure I remembered my mission and the lds4u missionary rules has its no duh kind of response to it but others kinda made me scratch my head and question it further. Why? We had missionaries in the field play sports many in fact. True that they couldn't devote their time to practice with a team or anything like that. What's this thing that the sisters couldn't wear long dresses or skirts? How do you expect them to ride their bikes without getting the fabric in the chain? No duh on the cut to the knee though. I didn't read all of it I got to a certain point and then couldn't read it any more too stupid. I was told by my mission president that if i had any problems with the rules to talk to him about it and we can work it out and we did. Your thoughts on the above web site.

So far I've just read one page and already been put off the site by reference to going to the temple to 'be initiated in the secret ceremony of the endowment' - I wonder if it gets worse or better?

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This website borders on being a secret combination. If you wish to find information about the church, go to the church. A disgruntled member/former member is going to have an agenda and won't exactly be unbiased or truthful. You don't go to LA to find out what's like to live in NY. You go to NY.

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I've now read a little more and it seems to me that the site has been created purely to grind an axe which could possibly be of the author's own making. He apparently couldn't live up to the missionary requirements due to his medical condition - why didn't he point that out to his Mission President? However, I find it a little odd that any medical condition can be worsened by getting enough sleep at night. That complaint does seem rather odd.

I've known disabled missionaries who have not only coped with but thoroughly enjoyed their missions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 6 months later...

I read the ‘Missionary rules’ web site, and like a lot of other people said, whoever wrote these rules clearly made them more worse than what the rules really are. For example, there are several ‘rules’ are really the same rule, just phrased differently. I can make a similar list:

1. Wash hands

2. Wash face

3. Wash back

4. Wash legs

5. Wash head

6. Wash hair

See what I did? I split one rule of washing yourself into six. This is what the website did with several different ‘rules’.

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