Feedback Anyone?

Angel deLu

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I have created a movie entitled CONTEMPLATIONS. It embodies the mystical concepts of many ancient religions, and interestingly enough, many of the sacred doctrines that make the LDS religion unique among Christianity, are mentioned in the movie, as well..

I am posting a link to the movie below in the hopes of generating genuine feedback from members of the church concerning some of the concepts presented in relation to the church's doctrines, especially the doctrine embodied in the quote: As man is God once was. As God is man may become (and the concepts of "calling & election made sure," and the "temple sealing ordinances").

Even though some of the concepts presented in the movie may not completely align with LDS doctrines, there are many similarities that are uncanny.

In just 2 months since its release on the internet, the movie has been viewed cumulatively over 7,000 times on google/youtube, AOL, and MYSPACE. The number of views is increasing exponentially everyday.

Please only post genuine feedback on this thread. "Genuine" means, you have watched the movie to the very end before you respond (it's a 39 min. movie). The response from the gerneral population has been very positive, and I am eager to hear what members of the church have to say about Contemplations.

I also hope that the moderators of this forum follow their own rules of "mutual respect and the tolerance of others' beliefs" by not deleting this thread just because some of the concepts in the movie may not perfectly match church doctrine. The movie is very uplifitng and worthy of watching.

Thanks, Rob Cutter

Here is the movie link:

I am looking forward to your feedback! :)

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Hi Rob,

This isn't really the right forum to advertise your own non-lds beliefs. But I wish you well.


Advertising implies money. This has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with a discussion of LDS doctrine. I believe I made my request very clear. I desire feedback from an LDS perspective.

I personally believe that an LDS forum is a perfectly appropriate place to request LDS feedback. If your feedback is genuine then I will highly repsect it.


PS: Again, "Genuine" feedback mean that you took the time to actually view the movie. I could be wrong, but I don't think "loudmouthMormon" followed this prerequisite. It's easy to just key in a response, but more difficult to actually give genuine intelligent feedback.

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Advertising implies money. This has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with a discussion of LDS doctrine. I believe I made my request very clear. I desire feedback from an LDS perspective.

I personally believe that an LDS forum is a perfectly appropriate place to request LDS feedback. If your feedback is genuine then I will highly repsect it.


PS: Again, "Genuine" feedback mean that you took the time to actually view the movie. I could be wrong, but I don't think "loudmouthMormon" followed this prerequisite. It's easy to just key in a response, but more difficult to actually give genuine intelligent feedback.

Rob, did you actually read the Board Guidelines when you signed up at this forum. One of the rules is: Do not use the LDS FORUMS to advertise goods, services, organizations or web sites. (Few exceptions may be made for long time contributors whos materials may be of interest to LDS FORUMS members- and only with moderator permission.)

Did you receive permission to put your web link on the forum? I agree with Loud. You are advertising your non-LDS belief and I also feel this is not the forum for this.

Here are a few definitions of advertising:

ad·ver·tise /ˈædvərˌtaɪz, ˌædvərˈtaɪz/<<snip>> Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -tised, -tis·ing.

–verb (used with object)

1. to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it: to advertise a new brand of toothpaste.

2. to give information to the public about; announce publicly in a newspaper, on radio or television, etc.: to advertise a reward.

3. to call attention to, in a boastful or ostentatious manner: Stop advertising yourself!

4. Obsolete. to give notice, advice, or information to; inform: I advertised him of my intention.

5. Obsolete. to admonish; warn.

(Bold highlight by myself)

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Hi Rob,

Thank you for sharing your video about your views in relation to God and man's relation to God.

It embodies the mystical concepts of many ancient religions....

That is correct.

...and interestingly enough, many of the sacred doctrines that make the LDS religion unique among Christianity, are mentioned in the movie, as well..

Among other things, the video suggests:
  • That everyone and everything is God; Our physical separation from God is an illusion.
  • That God exists within every part of the universe.
  • That the Spirit of God does not have a physical, human image (is not male or female).
  • That God gains experience through us.
  • That life is not a test.
  • That Christ's purpose (and that of other enlightened men) was to awaken us to the divinity that we all share: i.e. That we are all composed collectively of God.
I only agree with the video to the point that we are all eternal. That is true. However, the ideas presented in the video differ greatly from the most basic tenants of the LDS faith: Such as the very nature of God. To understand the prospective of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I'll refer you to the following: “Chapter 2: God the Eternal Father,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, (2007),36–44.

Time-wise, the video only briefly discusses the purpose of the life of Christ. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ has enlighten us--enabled us to understand our relation to God. This is true. But, He has done much, much more than that:

Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God the Father in the flesh. He was the Creator, He is our Savior, and He will be our Judge. Under the direction of our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ created the earth. Through His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and by giving His life on the cross—that is, by performing the Atonement—Jesus Christ saves us from our sins as we follow Him. Through His Resurrection, Jesus Christ saves us from physical death. Because He overcame death, we will all be given the gift of resurrection. For further reading, see “Chapter 3: Jesus Christ, the Divine Redeemer of the World,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, (2007),45–56.

I am posting a link to the movie below in the hopes of generating genuine feedback from members of the church concerning some of the concepts presented in relation to the church's doctrines, especially the doctrine embodied in the quote: As man is God once was. As God is man may become (and the concepts of "calling & election made sure," and the "temple sealing ordinances").

Here's some feedback:
  • The quote by President Lorenzo Snow was “As man is, God once was; and as God is, man may become.” That, however, does not imply that simultaneously we are God and God is us (See the first link).
  • The video also suggests that everyone's calling & election is already made sure. This is not consistent with LDS beliefs.
  • I don't recall anything specific to "temple sealing ordinances" in the video.
Once again, thank you for sharing your views. The video must have taken a lot of effort to create.

If you are interested in learning more about the LDS faith, I would suggest you check out the Gospel Principles manual (link). It may have some answers for you.

Kind Regards,


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:) Dear LatterDaySaint,

I cannot thank you enough for your genuine, intelligent feedback! I was curious of how much of the video reflected LDS doctrine, and you elaborated very specifically and articulately. So far, you are the only person who has bothered to respond genuinely to my inquiries on this thread. I highly respect your feedback, and I thank you again.

How else am I to understand the message of the movie in relation to Mormon Doctrine if I am not allowed to pose my inquiries on a forum such as this? I could ask for feedback on a non-mormon site and request how Contemplations pars with Mormon doctrine there, but I highly doubt that the feedback would be accurate nor authentic. (Afterall, one doesn't go to a Chevy dealership to ask about a Ford.)

As far as the other previous replies to this thread are concerned: I am NOT posting a link to CONTEMPLATIONS on this forum in order to "promote any such particular website or products." I have no need to promote CONTEMPLATIONS as its existence accrues no revenue whatsoever, and its message is already spreading by more than 700-800 views/day on google/youtube, yahoo video, AOL Video, and Myspace Video. The number of views is also increasing exponentially everyday. (At the current rate, it will be viewed over 400,000 in one year.) It seems that after only 8 weeks, the movie is doing quite well on its own without any promotion whatsoever.

Furthermore, it is obvious that the other responders to this thread have not bothered to view the video, so their replies are irrelevant.

Again, Thank you, LatterDaySaint. :)

Mr. Cutter,

As has been previously explained to you, your posting and promotion of your movie are very likely a violation of our forum rules. That's strike one.

Two, your quibbling about the definition of advertising is irrelevant, since you are very clearly promoting the opus.

Three, if you wish to understand LDS belief, I strongly suggest you ask specific questionsabout what we believe instead of demanding that we sit through a forty minute monologue and then correct your assertions.

It's also very clear in the rules that we demand substantive, on topic responses. A forty-minute monologue that touches on LDS beliefs only lightly clearly does not qualify.

And for the record, the responses you received were genuine- whether or not you liked them or considered them relevant. You don't get to redefine the term to suit your agenda.

Finally, whether it is your intent or not, you come across as very condescending. I strongly suggest you clean up your tone (drop the ubiquitous references to "intelligent" and "thoughtful") and concentrate on the substance of the responses you've received.

These boards do not exist so that LDS members can be sneered at or belittled. Such behavior will cause me to show you the door in very short order.

And that's not "irrelevant".


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How else am I to understand the message of the movie in relation to Mormon Doctrine if I am not allowed to pose my inquiries on a forum such as this? I could ask for feedback on a non-mormon site and request how Contemplations pars with Mormon doctrine there, but I highly doubt that the feedback would be accurate nor authentic. (Afterall, one doesn't go to a Chevy dealership to ask about a Ford.)

Oh, that's easy. Go to a car dealership that sells Chevys as well as Fords. Go post your link on an LDS-themed board that allows nonmembers to open such threads. comes to mind.


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Go post your link on an LDS-themed board that allows nonmembers to open such threads. comes to mind.


Thanks for the advice. Perhaps you are correct. I will check that forum out.


PS: Pease delete my membership from this forum. </span>

<span style="color:#FF0000">Done.

If you do go over to Mormon Apologetics, try to behave better there.

They're somewhat less reluctant to bring out the knives and deal with trolls head on.

Your poor manners (including the rant I just deleted) are all the proof we needed of your agenda.


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Wow. All that because someone suggested a more appropriate forum for your post? A little too much, I think.

As my username makes clear, I'm a Catholic, not a Mormon. But I think the request was perfectly reasonable. Their forum, their rules. It has nothing to do with being "open-minded". It's just the purpose of this message board is different. If you don't like it, that's too bad, but that's how it is.

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Thanks for the advice. Perhaps you are correct. I will check that forum out.

It is obvious you are quite confortable with the "little box" you've allowed others to create for you, and it's my opinion that perhaps it's best you stay in it. Afterall, I don't want to rattle your cage lest if falls apart and you'd have to think for yourself.

By the way, I also post on the forum I suggested to you.

And I still wish you well.


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I missed all the excitement, but I notice that the mods left the link in the OP. I watched it, and it seems to me that Rob has either experienced the Gnosis, or has done a bunch of studying about it. Or both.

It also seems to me that the content is permiated with LDS phrasology and terminology. And the gentleman in the video seems to mess with his hair too much. :o

As to the doctrines or concepts presented, I think it is worthwhile to consider that Mormonism is chiefly concerned with the practical aspects of life, ie. with life on this earth, and the living of it. Or it could be said, with life in manifestation. Anything beyond the realm of manifestation is often referred to as 'ineffable', or unspeakable. These things are good to understand, but not really useful to discuss, IMO.

3 Ne. 26:16 Behold, it came to pass on the morrow that the multitude gathered themselves together, and they both saw and heard these children; yea, even babes did open their mouths and utter marvelous things; and the things which they did utter were forbidden that there should not any man write them.

3 Ne. 28:14 And it was forbidden them that they should utter; neither was it given unto them power that they could utter the things which they saw and heard;

As we are taught in the temple, some things need to come to us direct from God (and/or His messengers).


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