Hello, From An Investigating Non-member!


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Hi, everyone! Just thought I'd introduce myself.

I come from a family with very anti-religious/agnostic-borderline-atheist views, ones that I could never identify with. I've gone to church meetings of many faiths over the years but have yet to find something I can deem as "true". I've been attending LDS church meetings with my boyfriend for the past few months, and this doctrine is the first thing that makes sense! The ideas of eternal families, baptism for the dead, church programs that promote a strong sense of community, Relief Society!, the definition of the Godhead, a living prophet. . . makes me wonder why I never looked into it before. Honestly, I haven't talked to the sister missionaries at my college yet out of some odd, unidentified fear. Instead, my boyfriend and his amazing family have been "my missionaries". They have never once made me feel pressured to join but rather have shown support and love during this difficult personal decision. I love it.

Anyway, I am hoping by joining this forum to gain some insight on the doctrines and have some nagging questions answered. And of course, get some support!

Thanks. :D

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Dear JRF,

We welcome you here anytime. :D

I know I posted to your last message and I hope it has helped - a little.

For a person to be an athiest, or even an agnostic is very difficult to do. It take "faith" to see and deny others' faith and deny God in all world. I admire you to come from that type of settting and have such a great attitude.

After being on this forum for only a short time, comparitively, I find comfort from these friends. Use us. It is fun and helpful to come here often.

All the Best of Life to you. The Lord will bless you with amazing blessings...you'll see!

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Hi JRF - welcome! I'm not exactly an expert on other kinds of religious faith, but I've heard stories like yours before.

Also, you're in good company with your family beliefs. My dad was quite anti-religion throughout his life. He was a little more good-natured than some folks I've encountered. Whenever meeting a new mormon, he'd shake his hand and either say "you know, I've never sinned", or "you know, I'm Jesus Christ" - just to see how the other guy would react. He was always heaping some good-natured ribbing on his mormon friends - and me. He got a little angry when I started paying tithing, but he allowed me to find my own way in life, and for that I'm grateful.

My advice - you don't have to agree with family, and they don't have to agree with you - but life is a lot more enjoyable when everyone can get along and love one another.

I am hoping by joining this forum to gain some insight on the doctrines and have some nagging questions answered. And of course, get some support!

You came to the right place! Ask away!

Welcome again.


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Welcome! My story sounds similar to yours. My family did not practice any particular faith, they left it up to us kids what we wanted to do. My brother and I never really choose what faith we wanted to be. I started dating my now husband 5 years ago. His whole family are members (4 sons, three married members, last one married me) and they are wonderful. I started learning about the church through them and they never pressured me to join. My husband and I had already agreed that our children would be raised LDS even if I never joined, but I did. 7 months after our wedding, and 6 months after starting to go to church I was baptized by my husband. My baptism was pretty quick since I was sure that this was right for me, but some times it will take a while for someone to know that this is really what they want to do. I hope that you find the answers that you are waiting for. Feel free to ask any questions and we will be happy to answer them. :) Glad to have you here!


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You are well come jrf!!

I love your input.. there was so much of what I felt when I learned about the church... exceptthat I came from a pretty much religious family..

You wrote: , and this doctrine is the first thing that makes sense! The ideas of eternal families, baptism for the dead, church programs that promote a strong sense of community, Relief Society!, the definition of the Godhead, a living prophet. . . makes me wonder why I never looked into it before.

Excactly what I felt.. and quess what .. it wont stop there ...you find more and more as your understanding grows... it is amazing...!!!! :lol: I love the evangelium!

You just keep talking to your boyfrends family and him .. and the missionaries are NOT at all scarry! They can become your best friends!

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