Talks on how God is Good

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My sister in law is going through a tough pregnancy similar to this article:

I come from a Catholic background and usually these situations have been pretty tough (spiritually). Are there any talks or verses about these kinds of situations?

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13 hours ago, LeKillerWallaby said:


My sister in law is going through a tough pregnancy similar to this article:

I come from a Catholic background and usually these situations have been pretty tough (spiritually). Are there any talks or verses about these kinds of situations?

I'm not sure if you are looking for talks about God is good, or complications with pregnancy, or just trials in general. My wife went through about 7 miscarriages, like this article she feels she lost twins with one miscarriage -- and God is still good. One talk that allowed the Spirit to teach and change my heart is Elder Hollands talke, "Cast Not Away Therefore Thy Confidence" --

Here is another article that may deal with what you are requesting:

Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Finding s Safe Harbor,"

There's a start of readings that would fit what I think you are looking for.

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