Why I Believe


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Hi! My name is Crystal Gwilliam and believe with all my heart that God and Jesus Christ live, love me and are very aware of the workings of my life. I have been blessed with countless opportunities to witness God's power in my behalf. He has restored His Priesthood and church through the Prophet Joseph Smith. We are led by a prophet today, President Monson, who guides this Church through direct revelation from Jesus Christ. I LOVE the Book of Mormon - it is the most amazing book with the most direct answers every problem I have struggled with in my life, from parenting to all kinds of relationships to the little stuff. I am grateful for temples and the power found therein... it is SO cool to have a place like that to go on a very regular basis to reconnect with my Father and Savior! I am grateful for the opportunities I am given to share my light!!! God bless!

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