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That is excactly why we are here on find the right way. Some find it the hard way. Go talk to the bishop of your area. He will tell you what to do and what must be done.

Well come to the roadback!! It may be hard and stony, but it is wrth it!

If you do not know where is the closest wardand bishop go to:

Meetinghouse Locator


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I was inactive for many years and did not believe in a God. I was in the same boat and wish that I was excuminicated so I could start over but you know what it wasn't that bad. I had a great bishop that let me take things at my pace. There were many burdens I carried on my shoulders that did not belong to me and he helped me work through them and I also gained faith in the atonement. I think as you come back thats what you should remember is that your sins can and will be forgiven. All you have to do is ask.


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I guess I have an account on here, but I've been away for so long I feel like a new member on this site. So welcome!

Stay close to the Lord during this time (at all times). He will guide and direct you if you will seek it.



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I would like to come back to Church.

I was seal in the templo with my first husband.

we got divorce and latter i merried a non member.

I have broken every rule.

I would like to be excommunicated and start all over again

The beauty and hope that is taught through the Atonement of Christ is that we can always come back and be forgiven of the sins that we have committed. Christ built the bridge. All he requires from us is to have the faith to walk over it. It may not be easy but it will be worth it in the end.

As a child of God, always remember that the Lord loves you unconditionally! He waits with open and loving arms to receive you back.

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I want to let you know, that I too have been inactive for a while and during that time I broke many of the covenants and commandments. I met with Bishop of my local ward (where I've never attended), I thought for sure I would have been ex-communicated or shunned away and asked never to come back. But after shedding a lot of tears and telling him things that I knew I must have, I've placed my trust in him to help guide me back on the righteous path. I know for me it won't be easy and temptation to "go back" will occur but so long as I continue to grow closer to God and prove to him I want his presence, I will not go astray.

God Bless and take that first step and talk to your Bishop.


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¡Hola Débora!

Estoy muy contenta por tu decisión. Es muy cierto que lejos del Señor no podemos ser completamente felices, y menos cuando tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer el evangelio verdadero. Muchas veces fui algo rebelde e intenté alejarme de la Iglesia, sólo para darme cuenta de cuán infeliz puedo ser lejos de quienes realmente me aman.

¡Nos mantenemos en contacto! ¡Cuidate!


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