Looking for a book!


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Hello, I am looking for a book that may not exist! If anyone has any answer they'd be appreciated.

I'm trying to find a copy of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, that isn't just the corrections or additions, but the entirety of the Bible. I just bought a copy of the Joseph Smith translation but all it contains is the changes and corrections, compared side by side with the King James Version. This book has a lot of missing verses Joseph didn't change, so they aren't included, its more like a study guide for when you read the King James version.

Is there a version of the Bible that is the complete Bible (Genesis - The Revelations and all verses in between) with the JST in it, acting as a replacement to the King James version?


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If you buy at Deseret, they have to buy it from Herald House, the RLDS publisher. You can get it cheaper through them: Joseph Smith's "new Translation" Of The Bible, Peace and News

Well I appreciate the comment but thats actually the book I have, and its not what I'm looking for. That book has all the changes and additions Joseph made in the book, but verses he didn't change are not in the book. For example in Deuteronomy Chaper 16 it starts on verse 2 and the next verse is 4, thats because Joseph made no changes to verse 1 and 3 so they arent included. I'm looking for a complete Bible, with all verses, with the JST in it, acting as replacment to the old version. I don't know if that makes since haha.

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bmras, why don't you try calling up a Community of Christ congregation and ask them how you could purchase one.

I would purchase one if I knew its what I'm looking for, I already bought one book from the Community of Christ and it wasn't what I thought. I don't know if the book exists, if not then I guess oh well, but thats why I'm on here, I'm trying to uncover if there even is the book I'm looking for.

I can call them and ask them, however I don't think they'll understand what book I'm looking for, and as result just sell me the same book I already have.

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I have been searching for the same book, a complete Joseph Smith translation of the Bible, without the two-column King James comparison.

Last week I ordered the "celebration edition" of the 3-in-1 from Herald House. I had assumed that it would include just such a version of the bible, but after reading your post, I'm no longer so certain! When I receive the book, I'll post a follow-up describing just what's in it.

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I have been searching for the same book, a complete Joseph Smith translation of the Bible, without the two-column King James comparison.

Last week I ordered the "celebration edition" of the 3-in-1 from Herald House. I had assumed that it would include just such a version of the bible, but after reading your post, I'm no longer so certain! When I receive the book, I'll post a follow-up describing just what's in it.

Tor_of Zion, a follow-follow up post after you get your order would be awesome! Thanks!

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Happy to oblige!

Is there a version of the Bible that is the complete Bible (Genesis - The Revelations and all verses in between) with the JST in it, acting as a replacement to the King James version?


This book does contain the complete Joseph Smith version of the bible, from Genesis to Revelation with everything in between. It's a modified King James version seamlessly incorporating all of the same changes that Smith made. There is also an introduction explaining the history of this version of the bible and what sources were used in the CoC edition.

This is exactly what I was looking for, as there is no side-by-side comparison thing going on.

Although I wrote above that this is the "complete" version of the bible, in truth there are a few exceptions. From the book's introduction:

The finished product did not include the Song of Solomon because Joseph and Sidney's original manuscript carried the indication it was "not inspired writing." Neither did it include the Apocrypha, in keeping with instruction in Doctrine & Covenants 88, which was received by Joseph Smith, Jr., on March 9, 1833 in Kirtland.


The revelation given to Joseph Smith, Jr., in June 1830 ... is published in the Doctrine and Covenants as section 22 .. because of space considerations only, it is not reprinted here [in this printing of the 'inspired version' of the Bible].

It should be noted that the Community of Christ's D&C numbering seems to be different than that of the LDS numbering.

The three-in-one also includes the Book of Mormon (either RLDS/CoC's 1908 version, or their 1966 "revised" (ie modernized) version, depending on which three-in-one you buy) and the CoC's Doctrine and Covenants (including the sections 22 and 88 mentioned above), along with a Bible Concordance, a Book of Mormon Index, and a complete detailed table of contents for the Doctrine and Covenants, with summaries and dates of revelation.

This is the one I bought, containing the 1908 Book of Mormon.

The Community of Christ also offers a new-testament-only version of Smith's bible, and they seem to have other versions too. I think your best bet is to call them and explain what you're looking for, they can probably help you out.

Having said that, I'm also more than happy to answer any questions you may have about this book - best of luck in your quest!

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Thanks for the post Tor_of_Zion, I had looked at that book, and I thought it probably was what I'm looking for, and it sounds like it is. I'm not certain what the "Authorized Version of the Book of Mormon" is so I don't think I'll get that, but the Old and New Testaments I'm going to order. Appreciate the help.

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No...but there is more to it than the current LDS edition of the King James Version includes. The Community of Christ own it, and one of the prophets or apostles went through and picked the things they believed were the most correct. They weren't sure if the RLDS or Community of Christ church had changed anything.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest dec2057

I have a number of JST type books. The most thorough one is from Herald Publishing RLDS church - now called Community of Christ church since they have de-cannonized the bible. The book is simply titled The Holy Scriptures. Published in 1991

There are others, but they are only the parts that were actually changed. One is by Matthews through BYU and another one is by Lutte - but it's not very good.

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