Teching first lesson


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I am going to be teaching my first lesson next Sunday and I am very scared that it will not be good enough. I have looked through childrens books to help me with the idea of forgiveness. I was wondering though if my lesson is supposed to be about my sisters and I or if it is supposed to be about Joseph Smith of something else? This is my first calling and I am only teaching once a month but I really would like some help! Thank you in advance.

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Which class are you teaching? Relief Society? Gospel Doctrine? Young Women? Primary? Teaching once a month sounds like it could be RS or YW. But if you are looking through childrens books, it could be Primary or YW.

Whenever I taught classes, I would read through the lesson once, at least a week in advance. That would give me time to ponder what the main point or points were to be taught. I could then think about personal experiences, scriptures that could support the topic, Ensign articles or even GA talks. I would read thru the lesson several times throughout the week to help me get a good feel of the subject. is a good site to search for material for lessons also.

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I was a Gospel Doctrine teacher, so I "obviously" have some "General stripes" (insert false modesty icon here).

A good teacher doesn't do most of the talking, he/she gets the class to talk, and ask questions. Outline the main points of your lesson on paper, as your private notes. If it's about forgiveness, then get quotes or teachings about forgiveness, or what Church leaders and the scriptures have taught, and the teacher's lesson manual will also give you some guidelines. Remember, it's not a lecture, but a lesson, and you will learn as much by simply generating ideas in the form of questions to the class, and letting them respond. Ask questions like "what do you think.....?" "How would you approach this problem.....?" "How do you feel about.....?"

You did this thread in the Relief Society and Women's issues forum, so I presume you're not teaching Primary (?).

Adults generally respond very well if you don't come across as lecturing. Your private notes, quotations, statements, are only back-ups, in case the class "stalls" in discussion. Your main aim should be to generate discussions and opinions. If someone strays with a point, then you can correct them. And remember to keep the class discussing the subject of the lesson, not pet theories or hobby horses. Again, the teacher's manual will outline a specific course to take for the lesson, and you are the only one who can keep the lesson "on track".

Most of all, "be thou humble" and the Lord will guide you in what to say. Nothing can compensate for this lack. If you are teaching Primary, then a different approach applies.

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I would suggest that if you are teaching primary class use stories and activities to teach the lesson and if its YW class this could also apply.If its Relief Society then use a method that would have the sisters think and be able to bring the situation into their daily lives. I have used this and i've seen it work.

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If you are teaching an adult class then remember that we've all been there and all had the experience of teaching our first class so the 'pupils' will be sympathetic towards you. It doesn't sound like a RS lesson because according to my list it would be from the Joseph Smith manual and about John the Baptist this week. I do the 4th Sunday which is from conference talks.

The lesson manual will guide you with what you should be teaching. Prayerfully study that and let the Holy Ghost help you. He's a great helper.

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I guess I didn't do very well when I was describing my problem. Sorry. I am teaching RS and it is the 5th lesson in the Joseph Smith Manual. I guess that just being so new makes it hard because I don't know about talks and I am not extremely familiar with everything else. I decided to look at childrens book because I found one on Josephs coat of many colors and one about a Luke something (I don't have the book with me right now sorry)and it talked about rejoicing when the brother that strayed came home because the father forgave him. I am still in the start of my own learning and forgiveness is such a new concept to me that I needed to have it broken down to a childs level so that I could build my faith in it from the first block. I have read all of the related scripture that I can find! I just don't know if the lesson should be about Joseph Smith or about Forgiveness in the lives of me and the other sisters in the branch. I know how silly it sounds but the chapter starts off with a story about Joseph Smith and everything. Thank you for all of great help I have been given!

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i find with the teachings of the prophets books usually all you need for the lesson is there. doesn't mean you can't look elsewhere for your own understanding, but when it comes to the lesson those other things usually aren't needed. i think it's wonderful you looked where you were most comfortable to prepare yourself. i'd suggest pray, read the lesson you have, pick some favorite quotes/stories from it you like and start there. i personaly think it's always best to relate all principles to "real" life and what is currently going on. if it's anything like our rs there will be so many sis wanting to share their 2 cents that you won't have time to finish everything you planned anyway. lol

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Yes we are told that when we are teaching a RS lesson from the manual that we should base our lessons around that chapter in the book but encourage the sisters to participate by relating personal 'real life' experiences which illustrate the subject.

Everyone will know that you are new and that this is your first lesson so if they are anything like our Ward they will be doing their best to put you at ease and to help out.

I hope you find it an uplifting and enjoyable experience.

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I subbed for RS and they told me to stick to the manual. One thing a lot of the teachers do is pass around quotes for people to take turns reading and you discuss one aspect of the lesson at a time. I'm sure you'll do great! We just had the lesson and we just took turns reading stories out of the manual.

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Thank you all so much for your time and input. I guess that some of the reason for being so scared is that I know that there will only be maybe 5 other sisters in there. We have a very small branch. I have never seen more than 25 people there and that many was only the Sunday before Christmas when families were there visiting. I will stick to the manual and I will continue to pray for guidance. I will be very relieved when this is all over and I get the constructive comments that I need. I will try to get people involved and see what they know because with being a new convert I could really use them to help me learn myself

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in my opinion you have one of the best teaching opportunities. we have a branch like that. you get enough ppl for participation (for us sometimes to much lol) but not so many that no one will talk or to be intimidating. i think (and hope) you will find them to be very understanding about it being the first time you've taught a lesson and being a new convert. i hope it turns out to be a wonderful experiance for you.

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