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A couple weeks ago I posted the thread ..."For those who have experienced a miscarriage"...as I am compiling the stories of LDS women and miscarriage. I've had good response from younger women who have been through this but I would like to include the stories of some older women who went through this also. I know people who tend to use forums are usually younger and I'm not sure how to get the word out to other age groups.

If you know someone, mother, grandmother, older sister, aunts, or friends (young or old) who have had a miscarriage and you feel comfortable asking them will you give them the info and see if they're interested? I'm kind of stumped on how to gather stories from all over the world and all age groups and this forum has been very helpful.

Here's the link for the original post with more info. If someone would like more info but is not a computer person I would be happy to call and explain more personally.


Or you can email for more info [email protected]

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Thank you so much. I would love to get some of the men's viewpoint. If your husband would be willing he could include a brief description of what it was like for him. If you want to you can send your story straight to my email address... [email protected] .....that way you don't have to post it here. I'm also going to need to send you a release from for you to sign. If you have any questions or concerns let me know.


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