Need advice, infdelity,domestic violence and kids


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First, I'd like to say I'm really sorry for your situation...

A Bishop can listen, talk, guide, but he'll never make the choice for you; that's something you must do to grow in making right choices with the knowledge the Lord gives you.

I'm sure Heavenly Father is aware of your situation... One thing I learned about asking the Lord for guidance is to make a decision and take it to Him in prayer. Cry out to him, pour out your feelings,... He WILL answer you, and you'll know if your decision is approved by Him or not. Study carefully D&C 9:7-9.

He WILL let you know, then you can make whatever decision certain that you have HIS approval.

I hope this helps somehow... you're in my prayers!!!

Be well!

That is not the case, concerning what Bishop actions may presents itself in this matter.

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Thank you all for your post's this has helped more than you know. I will be prayerful I do feel peace and have since he has not been here. That part feels so awsome and under amazing strain I feel peace. With his addiction history and all he talks of is sex and how he needs it all the time to end up with having female friends I know just is wrong Esp when the text's were talking about us our problems and how unhappy he is. BIG RED FLAG!!! I will pray fast and I have a very close relationship with my FH so there for I will make a decision and be blessed for it. I dont want to put my kids through any more. My son came to me last night and said mom do you remember that trip a few years ago when dad said I wish you were dead? I said yes but I have not thought about it in a long time. He than asked do you think dad would ever kill you. That's the damage this has done on my kids and I can hardly stand that I have stayed this long. Thank you again for your support and love

I am glad to hear this and congratulate you on your deserving patience. I have found even those among us who are consider the best of best have weaknesses. Though, at times, it is usually the women of the church who suffers at their very hands of stupidity [weaknesses]. I would recommend in going seeing the Bishop for action. If the Bishop decides not taking action, I would recommend in seeing the Stake President until you are heard. Next, stay close to Heavenly Father with constant prayers and be vigilant in maintaining attunement with the Spirit.

It seems already he is under the hands of the evil ones and doesn't even recognize his own errors or perhaps, doesn't even care at this point. I hope it is the former than the latter. His fate will only grow worse over time as I have witnesses this in my church callings.

We are here to support as others already stated; now if I could be any assistance, you can PM me at [email protected] or if you like or perhaps we have a Relief Society President here that may be of assistance. You also have home teachers and visiting teachers after the bishop discussion to help you since they are closer than most of us.

The main objective is to know the will of the FATHER in your situation. At this point, I know you already felt the spirit and in doing the right. May God bless you at this time that your desire of your heart fore filled. Bless your children, as they will stand by you in the hour of need and with greater love. Bless your family that angels will attend to you from-time-to-time in protection and giving you the further light and knowledge. We do you love and express our sincerity in supporting you.

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