Cana person who swears....??


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It sounds like you are saying that people who swear are unrighteous. I have to say, on the list of sins that people can commit swearing is not at the top of it. Don't get me wrong, it is a sin. But so is gossiping and backbiting. So in my opinion, if you are saying that people who swear are unrighteous, you had better figure that we are all unrighteous because everone is doing some sinning. And it is easy to point the finger at other people's sins and say they are awful, while our own sins aren't so bad. And yes that includes me.:P

Where did Hetheprimate say that? I believe he/she said that one can swear and still have a strong testimony. Hetheprimate was trying to get accross that even the most wicked of us may have a testimony of the truthfullness of the gospel....just ask Lucifer, Im sure he wont tell you the gospel is true, but try and get him to deny the Christ is the only begotton of the Father.

Swearing is what one does when they are not articulate or intelligent to say or express how they feel and so substitue the verbal void with a primitive and vulgar utterance.

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Swearing is what one does when they are not articulate or intelligent to say or express how they feel and so substitue the verbal void with a primitive and vulgar utterance.


I swear like a truck driver. And I express myself just fine. Sometimes I do both at the same time.

I'm just a good girl on the board. But off-site, I'm baaadddd. Just ask Strawberry.

Elphabulous (that's what lbybug calls me:p)

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I swear like a truck driver. And I express myself just fine. Sometimes I do both at the same time.

I'm just a good girl on the board. But off-site, I'm baaadddd. Just ask Strawberry.

Elphabulous (that's what lbybug calls me:p)

Really? Really? So why dont we hear some swearing from scholors and scientists in their speaches and reports? Why doesnt the President swear in his addresses? Swearing was "invented" to try to fill the void for lack of articulation. Much in the same way spanking fills the void of lesson teaching dicipline.

Think about what you said above, "I swear like a truck driver." Much like the Geico cave man, truck drivers are not usually sterieo typed for being super intelligent or silver tongued individuals. I mean, no one ever coined the phrase "swears like a scientist" or "cusses like a heart surgen"

Think about it, when you're so mad or scared that you dont know what to say, or when you're shootin the bull with your drinkin swear.....and when your kid has done something so bad you dont know how to deal with it, or you're just plain mad at them, you spank their little bum in lou of an alternate form of dicipline.

Im not saying that a swear word or a good old fashoned spanking are never acceptable...Im just saying that they dont really add to the calibur of the situation or the person employing their use. If people want to swear, more power to them...just dont pretend it elevates your communication skills or substitutes for more clever phrases.

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They're superfluous words that when used sparingly add emotional emphasis to sentences, because of shock value, mostly... when a different wording of what you're trying to say could do it much more better.

Swearing isn't intelligent, no. It doesn't mean people who use it are stupid... But it sure is talking stupid.

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Since I've started down this road I am on, I've tried to not take

Heavenly Father’s or the Savior’s names in vain. I've done a pretty

good job of not taking their name in vain. I made a mistake and took Fathers name in vain by accident, it just slipped out, and I immediately prayed and asked for forgiveness. I think I've said Fathers name in vain

twice since January. I don’t like taking his name or the Lord’s name in vain.

I'm not sure what to do when, say I have my cell phone in my hand

and I drop it on the ground. I want to say "dang" or "dang-it" or something. But, those words are probably substitutions for curse words

so I probably should not use them.

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Really? Really? So why dont we hear some swearing from scholors and scientists in their speaches and reports? Why doesnt the President swear in his addresses? Swearing was "invented" to try to fill the void for lack of articulation. Much in the same way spanking fills the void of lesson teaching dicipline.

Think about what you said above, "I swear like a truck driver." Much like the Geico cave man, truck drivers are not usually sterieo typed for being super intelligent or silver tongued individuals. I mean, no one ever coined the phrase "swears like a scientist" or "cusses like a heart surgen"

Think about it, when you're so mad or scared that you dont know what to say, or when you're shootin the bull with your drinkin swear.....and when your kid has done something so bad you dont know how to deal with it, or you're just plain mad at them, you spank their little bum in lou of an alternate form of dicipline.

Im not saying that a swear word or a good old fashoned spanking are never acceptable...Im just saying that they dont really add to the calibur of the situation or the person employing their use. If people want to swear, more power to them...just dont pretend it elevates your communication skills or substitutes for more clever phrases.

I wrote a response, but since I'm so articulate, clever, and talk like a truck driver, I'm posting it on the Open Forum.


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